Classroom Walls | Teen Ink

Classroom Walls

December 16, 2013
By KatelynEssey BRONZE, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
KatelynEssey BRONZE, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

If these walls could talk, they would spill all the secrets. They would recite the notes they saw passed in class. If these walls could talk they’d probably ask people to stop leaning on and hitting them, for it makes them dirty. They would thank their “owners” for decorating them. These walls would tell everyone what to do and when to do it; they are constantly dressed in calendars and schedules.

The walls would ask for the heat to be turned on, because they get cold during after school hours when the heat gets turned down. They would also ask for a good bath; they’re kind of dusty in the corners and dirty at the bottom.

If these walls could talk, they’d be more knowledgeable than any human, from years of observing everything from the rise of the Roman Empire, to solving quadratic equations.

If these walls could talk, I’d be pretty freaked out.

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