Five Personalities | Teen Ink

Five Personalities

January 12, 2014
By cpduffy BRONZE, Southport, Connecticut
cpduffy BRONZE, Southport, Connecticut
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Rose was a drop dead gorgeous girl; she was a “head-turner”. She was what every girl wanted to be and what every boy wished they could get with. She was the cliché popular girl; she was beautiful, with pin straight dark brown hair, naturally tan, and piercing crystal blue eyes. She cared very much about her appearance, and had to be perfect at all times, and wouldn’t be caught dead without make up on her face. She could be considered insecure because she would put others down to make her feel better. She did this because when she was little she was on the fatter side and was bullied for that, so she sees it as payback for all the torture she want through.She wasn’t nice but she was so intimidating people would bow down to whatever she did. Her peers would freeze when she pasted them in the hallway in the pure fear that she would make fun of them. But she lacked perfection in one aspect, her constant fooling around had finally caught up with her, she was pregnant and doesn’t know if Zak or Brian is the father and has to now choose what to do with the baby.

Oliver was a smart nerdy, but likable kid. He always wore ware down jeans and a plain t-shirt, and some dirty old sneakers that looked like they were from the 90s. His peers respected him and wished that they could be naturally smart like him. He was the start in all his classes and teachers loved him, but when it came time to go home he would be completely ignore. His dad walked out on him and his mom when he was a freshman. His dad left his mom with debts, and his mom has been working three jobs to pay back the forty thousand debts. Oliver’s mom doesn’t have time to acknowledge Oliver, and she never tells him how proud she is of home. Oliver tries to win over his overworked mothers attention through his impressive schoolwork. He even got a job at the local bakery to help his mom pay the debt. Oliver can be considered the perfect child any parents would want, he is smart, kind, hardworking, and helpful but none of those things could fill the lack of love and attention in his life. He is so lonely and resents his father for leaving them and hates the fact that he just left without a word. He is starting to hate his mom also because she never talks to him, and is just absorbed in all her work.

Zak has a great physique, recently because extremely muscular could be puberty or the overload of protein shakes. He has dirty blonde hair but looks almost bald because of his sever buzz cut, he has a light tan, emerald green eyes, and outstanding bone structure. All the underclassmen were madly in love with him, and he knew everyone loved him. He wasn’t a football star but definitely contributed to the team. Zak didn’t care about school or football or his future he lived in the now, and followed the saying YOLO. He was the party animal to the point where some of his classmates considered him an alcoholic. He’s the life of the party but his party was ending at graduation, and he knew that after graduation he would be forgotten. He wasn’t smart enough to get into a good college, and he frankly didn’t care if he succeeded in anything because he was from a privileged family that would pave his future anyways.

Carrie was five foot tall, bigger boned, but not fat at all she was told that she looked like a cute teddy bear. She had crazy curly blonde hair and dark brown eyes. She never really found herself in high school, maybe because she never tried to find friends and was a loner, and never had the “high school” experience. No clique ever accepted her; she didn’t have a best friend, and didn’t see the point of life. She was from a family of six and felt she wasn’t really loved, and always felt left out, she wasn’t like her brothers and sisters she wasn’t extremely athletic or outstanding in any subject, she was mediocre, and was always put down for not putting enough effort into anything. Senior year she began to cut herself to relieve the built up pain in her body, but no one knew she cut herself because she would hide them by always wearing long sleeves, but if anyone saw them they probably wouldn’t have done anything about it. She wanted to be appreciated and loved but lacked people in her life that cared she felt useless and worthless, and contemplated just leaving everything and ending her life, but struggled because she felt somewhere inside she was some what special.

Peter was tall and skinny, and very pale. He had dark brown eyes, long straw like hair that covered his forehead and parts of his eyes. He had no friends he was the weird kid that no classmate tried to befriend. He always wore a hoodie sweatshirt, with the hood up, dark jeans, and white sneakers. He always sat in the corner of the room, and never participated in class, he was invisible, half the senior class didn’t even know how he was or if they did he was the “scary, weird kid”. But he wasn’t one of those kids that wanted to be ignored, or didn’t care. He had anger building u inside him from the way he was ignore, and talked about, he hated everyone, and thought every single one of his fellow classmates should burn in hell. He went home everyday to his cookie cutter house with his over baring parents, and annoying younger sister, but never came out of his cave like room unless it was dinnertime. He was going to leave senior year with a big bang.

It was May 5th the seniors only had a month left of school and then they graduated. Prom was in two weeks and all the seniors were ecstatic over the fact that they were high school graduates in a few weeks. It was five minutes into homeroom when the school was alarmed over gunshots in the senior hallway. Immediately all classrooms closed and locked the doors and went into lockdown, but there were four seniors in the hallway because they all came last that day. The remaining students ran into the empty classroom down the hall and closed the door quietly. The hallways was silent, no one was walking around, all the sudden Peter runs into the empty classroom with the rest of the students, including Rose, Oliver, Zak, and Carrie.

Rose crying asked Zak “who is in the hallway shooting?”

Oliver interrupted and said “I think its an underclassman, maybe that weird kid Jeremy, I heard from some kids on the math team that there is this really smart and creepy kid, and his name is Jeremy.”
Rose continues to sob in Zaks arms. All the sudden Peter stands up and pulls out a hand gun and tells his four classmates to go to the back of the classroom. All the students are shocked and become extremely frightened.

Zak immediately says, “Kid put down the gun, its okay, please don’t shoot.”

Peter says “Zak what’s my name?”
Zaks stands there hopelessly without an answer.

Peter shouts “Exactly no one knows who I am, why shouldn’t I kill you, why should I care about your lives?”

Carrie says “Peter, your name is Peter your in my Science class.”
Peter was in shock that Carrie knew his name but he didn’t care he still hated all his classmates, he hated them for the way he was ignore, and treated, he had a hatred for everyone that never gave him a chance.

Peter says “I hate every single one of your, none of you has ever tried to be my friend, or has even talked to me so tell me exactly why I should let you live, and maybe if your answer is good enough you might live.”
Zak’s steps closer to Peter and Peter aims his gun to Zaks head.

Peter says, “If you take one more step ill blow you brains out.”

Zak says “Stop your being ridiculous no one here deserves to die, we have a few more week and then we can leave this place forever and forget everyone here” Zak steps another step to go grab the gun out of Peter’s hand… Peter pulls the trigger and shoots Zak in the head.

Rose screams “ZAK! What the hell is wrong with you” Rose runs over to Zaks lifeless body and begins to sob saying “I’m so sorry, I love you so much, don’t die” She blurts out he secret by saying “What am I supposed to do with our baby now, I cant have our child without you”.

Peter under his breath says, “wh**e”.

Rose screams “Shut the f*** up you physco, you are going to hell, and I hope that you die a slow and painful death, you deserve to die, no one will or has ever liked you.”

Those were the only words that Peter needed heard he says “See you in hell” and pulls the trigger.
Carrie hides from Peter in Oliver’s arms, and Oliver has his head buried in Carries curly hair.

Peter says, “You both have one chance to tell me why you should live.”

Oliver starts crying and while choking on his words says “ Please I’ve never done anything to you, I’m all my mother has I can die.”

Carrie continues sobbing and begs “Please, Please I just want to go home, please don’t kill me.”
Peter stands there silent, all the sudden he picks his head up and looks at both of them with the look of death and lifts his gun and shoots them dead. Peter stands in the empty classroom with no regrets and pulls the trigger one last time, and dies with his fellow classmates. Five different types of people, all struggling, but popularity, parents, or grades couldn’t help them out of their ultimate fate.

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