Oh that Brat!! | Teen Ink

Oh that Brat!!

February 4, 2014
By Luis_2388 BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Luis_2388 BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Life is what you make of it, so make is beautiful."

And there he goes again!! As I began to get cozy on my couch and read a chilling book I had bought last week at Barns & Nobel, the young 5 year old I was watching was at it again. He ran from room to room all around the house, stomping his feet as loud as he could as if he were in a marching band. “Clash”!! As I rose up from the couch clenching the side of the cushion in order to keep myself from falling, I heard a huge noise. Almost glass like.

I ran as fast as I could stepping on and tripping over squeaky stuffed animals and little toy trucks, when I got to the end of the hall I turned my face slower than a sloth at a track meet. I was afraid at what I was about to witness, when my neck made a complete turn I looked at the young 5 year old boy standing at the other end of the hall with a cheeky smile on his face. As I began to look down to the floor I saw a shattered vas all over the cherry oak hard wood floor. I couldn’t believe my eyes; as if making a mess around the house, drawing all over his bedroom, and drenching himself with peanut butter weren’t enough he goes and breaks his mother’s vas that she had received from her great grandmother before she passed away. I was in complete and utter shock.

I then sent him to go get ready for a bath as I cleaned up the pieces of the vas that were scattered all over the floor. I went upstairs I walked into his room that I spent an hour cleaning earlier in order to get his pajamas. When I walked in the bath room I saw the little boy standing in front of the bath tub getting his toys situated for his bath. Just when I thought this kid was through with acting a fool I suddenly heard the chilling words “Cannon Ball”!! It was then that I was bombarded with a heaping large splash of warm water, all because he wanted to cannon ball into the tub.

As the night ended and the young 5 year old was tucked into his bed, I went into the bathroom to clean up the water. While drying the floor with spare towels I began to think to myself… Did I just survive the worst babysitting experience of all time? Then I picked up the towels, placed them in the hamper by the bathroom and made my way down stairs. Finally I thought to myself peace and quiet.

I began to cozy up on the large badge leather couch to read the new book that I had bought. Right as I start to read the first sentence, it was then that I hear a little voice coming from the hallway outside the living room. I turned my face in complete frustration and saw the young 5 year old standing with his bear and blue fluffy blanket. He then said “I can’t sleep”. I sighed a deep sigh and said “come over here and I’ll read you a story.” As he made his way to the couch I got up walked to the book shelf next to the TV and picked out a children’s book for him. I walked to the couch, gestured for him to scoot over and make room for me. Once I laid down, he laid his head upon my chest and I began to read. “Once upon a time…”

The author's comments:
What inspired me to write the piece was hearing what a brat children can be from my parents and their friends.


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