300 essay | Teen Ink

300 essay

January 24, 2014
By andrew pighetti BRONZE, Wilbraham, Massachusetts
andrew pighetti BRONZE, Wilbraham, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

One Saturday afternoon, I was on my way to Chicopee, I was going to a bowling center called AMF Chicopee. I was pumped and excited to go to bowling. I am on a bowling league with my friends and my partner in crime, Andrew Needham, who bowls very well. I was drinking a monster when I was only fourteen, but that doesn’t matter because it helped. We arrived at the bowling center; the building was big and really special to me. I was walking up to the doors where my friend Katelyn was waiting for me, she said to me, “a kid just bowled a 277 and is only twelve”. I said, “I never thought that a little kid at the age of twelve could bowl that, now that’s amazing”.

I was a bowler who knew what he was doing. I was getting on my bowling shoes when surprisingly my best friend Caitlyn kissed me. In order to be a professional bowler you have to have a low handicap, an average of 190 or higher (which I have), and a new ball every couple years. Being a professional bowler means a lot to me, my dad’s a coach this year and it means a lot to him. But the thing is, I’m not really famous. I was standing on the lanes waiting for the lanes to come on; finally, the lanes turned on, I walked up to the arrows for my first ball of practice. Smash; strike! Second ball; boom, strike!! “Ok, I’m done”, I joked. Five minutes later the announcer said, “Ok, good luck and good bowling”. I walked up to the arrows once more, I took a deep breath. As I watch it roll down the lane at 14 miles per hour it crashes into the pins; Strike! I was so excited.

A few minutes later I saw that I kept getting strikes. Then I realized it was that because Caitlyn kissed me I was having a good game. I kept pounding at the pins with brutal force, strike after strike. Even if I missed I would get a strike, in bowling we call that the domino effect. I felt bad for my friend Sam tesheque; she was the one calling me a show off and there was nothing I could do about it. I was bowling the game of my life when I was only my second year into bowling, of course that's how good I am. I bowled with two fingers only at the time and I still do. Caitlyn was up siting at the table watching me, cheering me on. When the game was over I didn't even bother to look at the scoreboard, I knew right away what I've gotten. A 300, a perfect game. Practically the whole bowling center was watching what I was doing. It made me nervous for the next game. I got a 128 the next game and a 110 the game after. I was nervous but excited all at the same time.

This moment was very important to me because I have never gotten a 300 before. I am an awesome bowler, especially when I can bowl games like this. The bowling lanes must have worked for me, because that doesn’t just happen. It was all because Caitlyn kissed me on the lips, she made me get that 300. Thank you.

The author's comments:
I love to bowl on Saturdays, I hope u would like to join by reading this too.

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