Believe. Hope. Faith | Teen Ink

Believe. Hope. Faith

February 3, 2014
By Ishika Gupta BRONZE, New Delhi, Other
Ishika Gupta BRONZE, New Delhi, Other
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Hope is light. Light when the room in which you sit is completely filled with darkness; Filled with darkness of fears, darkness of negativities, darkness brought by troubles, darkness brought by over-thinking. Hope is that tiny beam of light working hard to penetrate through the window of the room which has been shut by the outcomes of your negativity and thought. It fights to enter in the room and vanish all of your troubles, do its job and indulge you in optimism. What is needs? What it demands is for you to not give up on yourself and just open the window a little bit so that it could illuminate the whole room with the shine of its particles, so that it could act as a killer of your problems.
Hope is belief; Belief that someday, that someday your life will be colourful. All the shades of grey and black which seem to darken your life and wash away all of its colour will be now re-coloured with the beautiful colours brought in by the new optimism in your life; optimism brought in your life by hope. Hope lies in believing. Actually hope is all about believing. Sometimes just believing that something unnatural will happen or the other times just believing that the obvious will surely happen anytime. Hope is actually waiting; waiting for a full reversal in your life from sorrows to pleasures.
Hope is expectation. When you start hoping, a new optimism arises in you. You do start believing but along with it you start expecting. You start expecting and your new optimism forces you to believe that some good thing has to happen to you in these hard times. But what you don’t know is that you don’t write your own future. Human nature is very thirsty and greedy. Highly impatient and easily exhaustible, it wants to experience everything at once. Your good day, your day of happiness might come a little late but you expect it to arrive now, or rather your nature forces it to arrive now. But when it doesn’t you give up that optimism, that belief, that expectation, that hope.
Hope is fear. Your inner voice, your inner soul which has experienced so much, so many troubles, problems, heartbreaks, doesn’t want to trust anyone from now on. It prays to stay alone but when hope peeks in and provides a good deal, it has no option but to put its trust in it. It provides you optimism but equally puts fear within you; fear fed by doubts; doubts of not having your belief and your expectation not fulfilled, doubts of not being happy again, doubts of still being surrounded by this darkness. You have a new optimism, but negativity will still be around. You’ll hope for a good future where there won’t be any troubles but will equally fear the circumstances which will arise when this future won’t stop by.
Hope is an echo; an echo of encouragement, echo of praise, echo of appreciation, echo of compliments, echo that’ll end your problems of self esteem and boost up your confidence. Echo that will encourage you to get up and try once more when the world will seem to be shouting in disagreement. Echo that will let you be yourself without feeling ashamed. Echo that might just let you be happy for some time and eventually make your inner self so strong that you’ll be able to avoid all your problems and stand on the top of your mess of problems happily.
Hope is sometimes a mirage. Extremity of hope when applied leads you to see images of places where you’re freed from the cage of your problems and are happy. You start believing in these images so hard that you keep neglecting your problems and fire away from those. But you don’t have to do that, hope teaches you to be brave and face all your troubles courageously and fight every single one of them. Hope teaches you to believe in good but not so bad that you neglect the reality. Hope teaches you to learn a lesson from your troubles, but the mirage form of hope, it teaches you nothing but false hope. It leads you to false success, leads you to happiness only to find out that this is a trap and eventually gives you nothing but more pain.
Hope is life. The whole world is based on this. Imagine a place where no one believed. Imagine a world where no one hoped or a world full of negativity. How can you succeed in such a world where all ropes leading to success are being pulled by the negativity of peoples’ thoughts? This place is not the ideal world to live. Today our belief is the reason why the world is colourful and happy.
You’ve been beaten, raped, abused, heartbroken, mentally harassed or you’re in a heap of problems where you can’t even find yourself or get out. You’ve been abandoned. You’re in a critical position right now. Your boat can’t find a shore right now. What do you do? What have you got to do? Just hope. Hope is the ultimate solution. Solution to find your shore and get your boat on it. Because if you give up, your negativity will succeed in killing your optimism and you won’t have the energy to do anything. You won’t have the passion to blow away your problems and succeed in being happy. Trust me; the whole point of it all is to learn to hope for the best in every dreaded situation. Giving up hope is for cowards.

The author's comments:
leave you friends
leave your family
but always keep hoping
have faith :D

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