One Hundred Dollar Story | Teen Ink

One Hundred Dollar Story

March 6, 2014
By Anonymous

I was walking down the sidewalk of an old village with one hundred dollars to give away. I spent a very long time trying to figure out who to give it to. I thought maybe it could be a new mother, an elderly person, or even a man who looks like he needs something to make him smile. All I knew was that it would be someone who needs to remember the good things in life. As I was walking, I saw a little girl, about seven years old, with no one by her. I asked her where her family was and all she said was, “They’re…..gone.” That’s when she started crying and ran off down the old broken sidewalk.

After a long day of looking, I started to think I wasn’t going to find the person who needed the one hundred dollars. I thought that I would find the person right away, but to my surprise I was still holding the one hundred dollar bill. I started my search again bright and early at eight o’clock. I was near the same spot I was yesterday. I saw the rotten fruit stand and there stood the same girl from the day before. I started talking, “Hey there, do you remember me?” She gave me a puzzled look. I just pretended like I didn’t say that, because she obviously didn't want to talk about what happened yesterday. ”Don’t buy that instead buy some bread from the bakery,” I suggested.

She turned around and said “I…...can’t” and ran the same way she did yesterday.

It was the last day to decide who gets the hundred dollar bill. I decided to walk farther east to see who else might need the money. I was passing a cart with ripped up clothes and broken shoes in it and the vender was talking to the same girl I had seen earlier. Then I saw her again by the fruit stand near the bench all covered in dirt and cobwebs. I suddenly blurted out, “Why do I keep seeing you everywhere and the next day you don’t remember me?” After a long pause, I start again, “Why do you never have any money, do you have parents?” Then I look over at the girl. She is standing next to two other girls identical to herself. That was when all the pieces of the puzzle fit together. They were poor lonely triplets with no parents. All the sudden, I knew who to give the hundred dollars to. I knelt down by the girls, gave them the money, and left. I knew they were scared so I made it quick. “Here you deserve this,” I said.
As I was walking away, they all shouted “Thanks a lot, sir!” and sprinted the opposite way past the rotten fruit stand and the ripped clothing cart. I turned around and saw the bakery door just closing. I smiled and headed home.

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