(A letter from a son to his parents) Dedicated to Aitzaz Hasan | Teen Ink

(A letter from a son to his parents) Dedicated to Aitzaz Hasan

March 7, 2014
By Rabia Abbasi SILVER, Mirpur Mathelo, Other
Rabia Abbasi SILVER, Mirpur Mathelo, Other
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

(A letter from a son to his parents)
Dedicated to Aitzaz Hasan

Dear parents,

With all infinite love, graceful and hearty words I start to pen down this letter: actually the last one if you find it after my death. Don’t cry, weep and make your life a vale of sorrows if I die as a martyr which I so desire to. I want to assure you that it is better to die in honour than having lived a thousand years without anything worth doing. Today I want to tell you my deepest secrets, agony, and experiences so that you feel proud of me. Let me savor the smile on your lips and the clothes of pride you wear at my death. For once and for all let me experience that moment of satisfaction, the joy of a winner and the fulfillment of my dreams- that is and for years to come will be your happiness.

Coming to the point, I want to tell you that I was certainly not selfish, self centered and carefree of sacrificing my life and leaving my parents childless and in despair, gloom but I had two choices of which one was far weighty: either a family cries or the whole nation, I chose my family’s agony, I let myself hug the suicide bomber who wanted to destroy mu school. Just think would you ever embrace me after I come home unharmed while all my counterparts are nothing are buried under the heap of ashes and broken ricks. This would leave me cursing myself all my life, breeding a hidden gloom every single day and losing the very opportunity to enter straight into heaven. Simply put I cannot let that golden opportunity slip off my hands. The temptation was far too appealing than the after thoughts. Still I seek your pardon for your every drop of tear nurtured in gloom, misery and despondency. I request three Fs on your part: forgives, forget me forever.

I am happy in what and which condition I am. I came and let a mark for others to do what they can and fulfill their prime purpose of coming to this world. For all those years lived in this world I have learnt to live gracefully and die gracefully too. It is my message to you and my siblings to never waste the opportunity to help the needy, console them and above all spread your beads of knowledge it is far more honourable than etching those on your exams and getting grades. Don’t ever make knowledge costly and shameful. Us it for the good and eliminating the evil. There is satisfaction and grace in it. Mark my words never let evil wander close to you. …………………………………

The author's comments:
In the midst of battle between life and death, I chose the honourable one_ a martyr.

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