Secrets can Kill | Teen Ink

Secrets can Kill

March 27, 2014
By jess_1172000 BRONZE, North Versailles, Pennsylvania
jess_1172000 BRONZE, North Versailles, Pennsylvania
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Anyone can give up, it's the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you feel apart, that's true strength.

People say "you cant fix your past and that is why it haunts you." I believe that with everything I have in me. I don't have a lot in me anymore, but what is left is occupied on holding onto that. I wake up everyday regretting not asking why she was so depressed, or if anything at all was wrong. When I think back though, she was a master at hiding her pain. Not only could she hide her pain, she would also make herself believe that it didn't exist at all. I wish I could turn back time and fix my mistake, but then again she could have told me right? She could have let me in on that secret she kept tucked away in the depths of her heart. She could still be here today if she didn't insist on always staying so strong. It's amazing what holding something inside of you can do to your trust for everyone around you. All I can think about is that if that whispered secret could have been spoken sooner, then I could of had the chance to save my best friend from being a goner.

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