Chasing My Medical Dream | Teen Ink

Chasing My Medical Dream

April 26, 2014
By Loren5050 BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
Loren5050 BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

One of the greatest tests of my life was at age 11. I can still feel the agony and despair from my 8 year old brother’s tragic incident. During the summer, my mom attended a community center school where she took English learning classes every day. My father, fully covered with sweat, was working non-stop on a client’s automobile. Meanwhile, my parents were working for the well-being of our family; I had to take the responsibility of keeping an eye on my siblings. To my surprise, being the adult at that moment was not what I expected it to be. I was watching over Eduardo, my younger brother, and Jenny, my youngest sister. I was in the kitchen preparing our lunch when I sensed something was wrong. I set the table quickly for lunch. Then I called Jenny and Eduardo. I went to the living room with my mind-set to turn off the television. Not realizing that as I set the table my brother, Eduardo, was choking on something. I panicked. I was unaware of the procedure I needed to take so my brother would return to his normal skin color. I froze. I knew that I needed to reach out for adult help.

I quickly called my dad. It was this experience that I learned that a leader has a split second to make a once in a lifetime decision that can impact their future. I eagerly want to become this strong and brave leader. Knowing this I would love to attend LaHSEP’s program to improve my leadership capabilities and increase my confidence levels.

Growing up in a Hispanic household, Spanish is my native language. Statistics show that I have a lower chance of scoring on the English and reading portion of the ACT. Moreover, I believe LaHSEP can shape me to be a well-rounded student. As a Latina the media portrays us in not having high expectations for ourselves. On the contrary, I want to demonstrate that this stereotype is dependent on our own decisions. I believe attending LaHSEP will benefit me towards college readiness skills. As well as to build confidence with my participation skills. Attending LaHSEP with a group of students that have the same mindset as me and a common goal to make our Hispanic community proud. Influenced by my teammates during track one will not only last during the summer but for eternity. I have always been surrounded by troublesome teenagers, but I know that during LaHSEP track one, I will push myself towards high expectations. As a group member I would like to enhance my communication to be the greatest leader. Overall my desire throughout this course is to gain knowledge within the medical field.

All in all, my life changing obstacles have not sparked fear in me. On the other hand, my brother’s incident has sparked an inner self-motivation and determination to obtain the impossible goals. Attending LaHSEP I know I will be provided with an enormous support system. I will be in a place where I can speak my opinions, communicate efficiently with my cohort, while extending my knowledge in the science field. I will grow to be a strong Hispanic woman in the sciences.


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