The Trip of My Dreams | Teen Ink

The Trip of My Dreams

April 17, 2014
By yoloswagman BRONZE, Faribault, Minnesota
yoloswagman BRONZE, Faribault, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I open my eyes and look at the ceiling. My eyelids were still heavy but the lightness in my stomach told me I had something to look forward to today. My family, Francis, and I are going to California. Francis is one of my best friends; actually he is my only friend. He has been with me since forever. I get out of bed and go downstairs for breakfast. My little sister Ashley is devouring pancakes in her mouth. My mom and dad are on the couch snuggling like animals in hibernation. I travel past the sleeping bears and get a bowl of cereal and I sit by my annoying little sister. She is in 3rd grade and gets me in trouble all the time; even if I just breathe I’m in trouble. After Ashley and I are done eating we get dressed, pack, and get in the car.
“Ashley, are mom and dad coming”, I said
“I don’t know I’ll go see what they’re doing,” Ashley said annoyingly “Mom, dad, are you coming, we can’t wait anymore.” Mom strutted down to her and said.

“Hold on we’re coming, dad is grabbing our luggage.”

After we get Francis and are all piled in the car we sailed across the land.

“Mom we’re bored, can we stop somewhere I’m hungry.”

“Son, stop complaining we’re almost at the airport”, dad proclaimed.

Finally, after dying of boredom, we made it there. I could see big planes coming and going, lots of people and very long runways.

“This is going to be cool, thanks for taking me.” Francis said joyfully.

We made it inside and when I said there were lots of people, I was right. We saw at least a hundred people in lines, sitting, and walking around.

“Now kids don’t go far away from us we don’t want to lose you, but if you do get lost stay with each other am I clear?” said mom.
“Yes mom.” said Ashley and I.
“Yes Marry.” said Francis.
Mom and dad exhaustedly entered the line to whatever it is.

“Ok, you guys have to listen to me until mom and dad get back, so sit down and be quiet”, I said in a commanding voice.

Who put you in charge, I’m the same age as you”, said Francis. “It doesn’t matter anyways they’re almost here.”

Later when we were walking like zombies together, Ashley had to get distracted and look out the window.

“Wow those planes are huge.”
“Come on Ashley we have to go stay with mom and dad.”

Francis was constantly poking me and said. “Umm, I think we’re lost.”

We were like sheep looking for their shepherd, but we stuck together like our wise shepherd said. We saw an entrance to a plane, it had CA on it. That had to be the one, but we should have read the rest of it. We got on and looked up and down the plane, but we couldn’t find them. Suddenly, the plane took off and we didn’t know what to except sit down and fasten our seat belt. Then the announcement came on.

“Welcome to our flight, I’m Chin Wong and I’ll be your pilot so, sit back, relax, and have a good ride.”

A lady came by giving drinks and peanuts.

Then I asked her “miss, where are we going to”.
She responded “we are going to Canada”.
We all looked at each other in fear asking ourselves, “Where is mom and dad” and “what is are we going to do now?”
Suddenly the plane started shaking and Chin Wong spoke again saying.
“We are experiencing technical difficulties, oh no, hold on.”
Then the plane crashes and miraculously us three survived. Meanwhile our parents realized we were gone. So they went to the police station and talked to Sheriff Frank.
“Hello, Sheriff Frank, our kids and my son’s friend are missing, can you help us.” Mom cried in a panic matter.
“Calm down Marry we will do the best we can, so tell us what happened?”
“Well, we were all walking to the plane going to California, when I asked the kids if they wanted to use the bathroom and I looked back and they were gone. We looked everywhere for them but we couldn’t find them.”
“Ma’am don’t worry we will find them”
As I woke up I smelt a foul smell, like burning flesh. Gazing around, I saw Ashley. I got scared and asked myself is she dead? Also, where is Francis? Pulling myself up I tumbled over to Ashley. When I looked at Ashley, horror filled inside of me. Her leg was burned and cut badly. I helped her up the suddenly, I hear someone yelling
“Help, help I’m stuck, Ashley, someone help!”
It was Francis, he got caught under a small tree. I went to go help him out but the tree was too heavy.
“Francis, are you hurt real bad?”
“No I’m fine, where is Ashley?”
“Her leg was burned and cut up, Francis what do I do?”
“Come bring Ashley over here so we’re all together.”
I went and got Ashley, while I was bringing her to Francis I looked up at the trees and to my shock the plane was hanging there.
“Ashley, wake up, it’s your brother.”
She opened her eyes and said worriedly “where are we”
We just crashed from the plane up there, Francis is stuck under that tree, and your leg is burnt and cut pretty bad.”
Her throat must have shriveled up from the scream of pain when she saw the horror.
Sobbing loudly she spoke “Is Francis ok.”
“Yeah he is just fine.”
The sun was leaving and we were all too exhausted to be nocturnal.
”Good night Ashley and Francis.”
Both saying simultaneously “good night”
As we were dreaming a strange noise rang in my ear. Looking up at the trees, the plane was falling. I didn’t know what to do and before I could do anything I… opened my eyes and I was ready for the trip to begin.

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