Should Performance Enhancing Drugs (Such as Steroids) Be Accepted in Sports | Teen Ink

Should Performance Enhancing Drugs (Such as Steroids) Be Accepted in Sports

June 2, 2014
By David Delorbe BRONZE, Bronx, New York
David Delorbe BRONZE, Bronx, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Should high induce drugs? Be Accepted in Sports? No it should not be accepted in sport to performance enhancing drugs such as steroids. Steroids can lead to some serious effect, rick, and its so un sportsmanship like. Because on Pros and cons said that, “Opponents argue that PEDs are harmful and potentially fatal, and that athletes who use them are cheaters who gain an unfair advantage, violate the spirit of competition, and send the wrong message to children. They say PED users unfairly diminish the historic achievements of clean athletes, and that efforts to stop PED use in sports should remain strong.” Secondly it says that, “Steroids When used by fully trained, elite athletes, performance-enhancing drugs can improve performance to a much greater extent than any combination of the most intensive, sophisticated, and costly nonpharmaceutical interventions known to modern sports science”. Finally on pro and it says, “People can talk about the spirit of sport all they want but as soon as the risk of getting caught is reduced to zero, everyone will be indulging. Why? Because, despite the billions spent on selling the anti-doping message, no one really cares about anything but winning. You take your chances. It's a human thing. No amount of pontification will change that” So steroids can harm and have serious enhancer. Also steroids can have some serious effect that can harm you a lot.

Firstly, Steroids can have some serous rick like behavior and it can harm your motor skill. On it says, "Athletes are in a position to make a decision about what behavior is in their best interest, to weigh the risks and benefits according to their own values. And a paternalistic rule that attempts to prevent the athlete from harming himself runs counter to the important values of independence and personal choice. Moreover, it is likely that the feared harm is neither life-threatening nor irreversible. Presumably, under this health rationale, if performance is enhanced by substances that cause neither short-term nor long-term harm to the athlete, these substances should not be banned." To explain the quote is saying that steroids have serious side effect that can harm you and it can make you crazy and can destroy your motor skills.

Secondly steroids can have some testing affection that can hurt you to the max. On it says that, “Despite World Anti-Doping Agency head Richard Pound’s confidence in testing methods... in the past, only about one per cent of athletes have tested positive for banned substances, and this number is generally considered only a fraction of those who use performance-enhancing drugs.”To explain steroids testing can give you some infections and serious risks. To add on it also says, "The U.S. Olympic Committee tests some athletes too infrequently and provide athletes too many opportunities to avoid testing. At least 15,000 serious, national-level athletes compete in the United States, yet the World Anti Doping Agency tested only 4,700 athletes between late 2000 and 2002, and most of those only one time... In the end, few athletes get caught and banned, but little else is changed." so steroids are very bad so stop using it!!!!!

Finally steroids is very un sportsmanship like. because by using steroids you are showing that you didn’t did it on your own you cheated. like on it says, “"The U.S. Olympic Committee tests some athletes too infrequently and provide athletes too many opportunities to avoid testing. At least 15,000 serious, national-level athletes compete in the United States, yet the World Anti Doping Agency tested only 4,700 athletes between late 2000 and 2002, and most of those only one time... In the end, few athletes get caught and banned, but little else is changed." So by using steroids you aren't really giving your own u r cheating because when you do it on your own you are going to feel amazing.

Proponents of steroids claim that some risk of steroids can allow you to gain strength and stamina that you need order to get better. On it says, “If each of us ought to be free to assume risks that we think are worth taking, shouldn't athletes have the same freedom as anyone else? In particular, if athletes prefer the gains in performance allegedly provided by the use of steroids, along with the increased risk of harm to the alternative of less risk and worse performance, what gives anyone the right to interfere with their choice? After all, if we should not forbid smokers from risking their health by smoking, why should we prohibit track stars or weightlifters from taking risks with their health in pursuit of their goals?" To explain fiscal performance is really necessary.

In conclusion, Should Steroids Be Allowed In Sports? No because steroids have lots of risk, effections, and its so un sportship like. In life they are going to be sports that don't allow steroids then you are going to take charge and put on your big boy pants and start getting brolick the old fashioned way like a real man.

The author's comments:
For people that take the easy way out, but have some serious consequences.

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