Happy Paws | Teen Ink

Happy Paws

September 25, 2014
By lucyladybug BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
lucyladybug BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“What is wrong with people?” I said as I rushed down the narrow hallway with the dog in the towel. “We can’t all be like you!” Ms. Cathy responded with major sas. When we arrived at the room with Dr. Mcarthy we put the dog on the table. Dr.M observed the dog for a few seconds then asked us to leave the room. In the hallway Ms.Cathy and I waited for what felt like hours upon hours. Then I heard a whimper of an innocent dog. Moments later the doctor came into the hallway and something that I will never forget, “The dog is gone.”
This was my very first real experience with a hurt animal. I love animals. Thus the reason why I decided to work at a small animal rescue center in a country in the Middle East called Kuwait. I was doing what I love, with people who love it also. Plus I got paid for it however that was none other than a bonus. The problem was that I didn’t like seeing the animals hurt. It was painful for me too, not just the dogs.  Ms.Cathy, the woman who owned the place, was the one who did most of the rescuing. But sometimes she would let me come with her. But most of the time I stayed back and helped with the healing dogs.
My main jobs were to feed, water, play, and bathe. I enjoyed it, it really made me feel as if I was a big part in the healing process. I also enjoyed walking the dogs. When I say walking I don’t just mean on a leash down the road. Some of our more recently injured dogs needed to heal by thus “walking it off”. That’s where I come in. I would get a special harness and walk side-by-side with the dog. One of my “patients” had been ran over so they had to remove her leg. So I had to re-teach her how to walk.
After the dog patients would get adopted or “checked-out”, I tended to get not only red and puffy-eyed but would also tear up a little. But I finally got over the fact that the dog was heals and ready to go home and live his/her life. I would always get attached because I was the one who spent the most quality time with them. I believe that after you have been a part of a dog’s life, they don’t forget you. Ever. So it makes me feel better when I see them leave with a wagging tail, I know that they will remember me forever.

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