Catching That Wave | Teen Ink

Catching That Wave

October 6, 2014
By eva hood BRONZE, Paragould, Arkansas
eva hood BRONZE, Paragould, Arkansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As I gained my consciousness back, I began to feel pain coming from my right arm. It became stronger and stronger as I gained back full consciousness. All I could see at this point were bright lights on the ceiling and lots of familiar voices, but couldn’t see who they were, I tried to lean up when I realized I couldn’t.
“What happened to me? Am I ok?” slipped out of my mouth.

“You are just fine. You were attacked by a great white on the North Shore and lost your right arm.” Called out a voice, which sounded like my brother Nash. Losing my arm explains the pains from what now is left of my arm. The five words repeated in my head a million times bringing tears to my eyes.

Two days later I was finally released from the hospital. While, on my way home I realized a line of three surf boards that read, “Welcome home Melena”.

“Who did that. That is really cool and sweet!” I asked.

“The community did when they heard you would be coming home.” My mom replied.

Right then I realized how much I actually missed my family, my best friend Elaina, sleeping in my own bed, and most of all surfing the North Shore everyday.

“The doctor said I could get back in the water as soon as the stitches come out.” I said staring down at the shore line.

“Can we try a shower first?” My dad replied.

I began to laugh at him as if he were joking. As days passed things grew harder. I couldn’t do anything by myself as I did before. I began to worry about what I could do with my future, which upset me cause nobody believed I could carry on my surfing career. I called Carrie for some good advice.

“Why did this have to happen to me? Why did it have to happen to me? Why is this Gods plan for me?” I asked while crying.

Carrie always gave good advice and reason, but what caught my attention the most was when she replied with belief that I could do all things as I did before.

“I don’t know why such terrible things happen, but I have belief that something good will come out of this one.” Carrie said.

One month passed by and everything changed. I began to catch up on my homeschooling and have free time to help myself learn to do the things I did before. The first day of summer was finally here and I finally had the opportunity to ask my dad what I’ve been waiting to ask for two months.

“Hey dad, do you ever think I will be able to surf again?” I asked.

“Hun, you can do anything you want to do. Surfing again with only one arm wont be easy at all due to balance, but I will stand behind you if your willing to get back on a board.” Dad replied.

“I don’t need easy, I jus need possible. I want to compete in the Hawaiian Island Regionals.” I said back.
Dad replied “Lets get you back on a board and surfing first, then we will talk about regionals.”

We tried everything from a small little wake board to a full surf board and I accomplished all 7 of them. I was proud of myself, because of the satisfaction of knowing it is possible that I can surf again with one arm as I did before my attack. My dad caught my smile and smiled at me. I soon began a daily workout. Just simple stuff to build up my strength. Push ups, balancing routines, and running with weights in the sand all became a part of my everyday life. I began to build my strength back a lot quicker than expected. A month and three weeks passed by and there was only six days left until regionals. I continued my daily routine. After my workout, I go straight to the water to practice. The day of regionals finally came and I was kind of nervous for some reason. When we arrived I worked my way to the sign up table to sign in and get my shirt. I found myself instantly standing in the middle of a group.

“Wow, this is something to get used too.” I said to myself.

The first whistle was blown and we made our way down to the water. I struggled with paddling out, but Elaina helped.

“Grab on, ill pull you the rest of the way out.” Elaina yelled out to me.

“Okay, thanks!” I said back.

The first wave passed and I didn’t get up fast enough to catch it, Four other ways passed as well. Callie Blanchard was now a nine point wave ahead of me i needed a ten point wave or more to catch up and beat Callie. The last wave was in the horizon and I was tempted to win this ten point wave. As the wave was picking up I balanced and got up before Blanchard could. I took the wave from her and she wasn’t happy at all. I surfed a 11 point wave, I was beyond proud.  As I came off the end of the wave I could hear friends and family cheering me on. I thrilled I won the Hawaiian Island Regionals. I paddled back to the shore as I received my trophy and announced that I couldn’t have done this with out my dad by my side and encouraging me. Through every bad day, the hard work, and dedication it pays off at the end of the day.

The author's comments:

its about a surf attack and the recovery

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