The Wants of People Create Suffering | Teen Ink

The Wants of People Create Suffering

October 23, 2014
By WyattTodd BRONZE, Bear, Delaware
WyattTodd BRONZE, Bear, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The wants of people create suffering


As I walk into my new school, I see the 3 story stone walls staring at me, I take a step back, and I see a teacher walking stiffly towards me. His name is Mr. Johnson.
He says to me, “Are you new to this school?”
“Yes,” I squeal, as I'm flinching back.
“Well, what's your first class on your schedule say?”
“I haven't got my schedule yet,”
“Well, we should go get that,” he says.
“Where do I go to go get it?”
“I will show you,” he replies, patting me on the back. I feel safe around him and trust him.
As we walk around the school its complete silence, then he asks me,
“What middle school did you come from?”
I answer, “Paxon Hollow Middle School.”
“I never heard of it.”
“Its in Kentucky,” I say, as I look at his eyes.  I could tell I could trust him.


We’re finally at the main office and I receive my schedule. Mr. Johnson asks
“What do you have first?” he asks.
“ My favorite subject, math!” I say, excitedly
“Where in the school is that?”
“F302,” I say while I'm  looking down. “I know where I’m going,” I say happily.
“If you need my help, my office is in C101.”


As I walk into Scholer High School on the second day of school I see four guys intently staring at me and I say to myself
“Its going to be easy making friends,”  as I’m going to my english class.
The four guys came up to me and say “Hey, you look pretty cool,” they say laughing with me. “you should come sit with us at lunch in cafe a on the 1st floor.
“I’ll see you guys there,” I say smiling.


As I went to cafe a, I couldn’t find them, and then all of a sudden they came out of nowhere from behind me.
“Hey Steph-”
“It’s Steven,” I interrupted
“Oh, Steven get your lunch and come sit with us”
“Where are you sitting at?” I say.
“The only table that is a blue table with red chairs.”
All of the other tables have blue chairs. After I get my lunch, I go sit with them. We talk about somethings; nothing important. Before lunch ends I hear them talking and I hear my name but I don’t mind because they’re my friends.
“Hey guys, what lunch do you have tomorrow?” I say.
“Wh- W- What?” I stutter as I look down.
“You heard us, you small-ass twit!”
I start shedding some tears and start running down the hallways and stop at C101.
“Mr. John- son I need yo- ur help!”
“Why are you crying?” he asks.
“My only fri- f-”
“Slow down”
“My only  friends are bullying me” I say as slow as i can, still crying.
“Well, did anyone else see this happening? he asks.
“No,” I state, while looking down.
When I got I start cutting myself, but that didn’t work. So, I find my dad’s gun and BANG!


I look down and see my dad getting ready to find me.
I didn’t want my dad tom see me. I look down and see my dad crying and crying, and i start balling in tears.
“Why, why, why?” he cries out
“They bullied me,” I say while still looking down, but he can’t hear me. I can’t bear to see this so I go the T.V. room and I see the news. I see the four guys getting arrested.
“That's my picture and looky here, ha, ha” I laugh “that’s what you guys get”
I go to my bed and go to sleep

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