The New Girl | Teen Ink

The New Girl

October 17, 2014
By LaceyMae BRONZE, Weiser, Idaho
LaceyMae BRONZE, Weiser, Idaho
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

She walked in the room and she looked at us in a haughtily fashion, as to say, "Hi..... i'm Emma and I am so much better than you." We all just wanted to yell at her, get off of your high horse missy,
you are not regal.  

But before anyone could say that, I looked at Emma, smiled and said, "How is your first day going so far?" 
She looked at me grotesquely and walked away like she was the biggest idle in the world. I felt so chagrined, defeated and insulted, like a lot. She seemed about as deep as a kiddy pool and a little nondescript for my taste. Who does she think she is dissing on me like that? But then my best friend Brody-(he is a pretty cool guy if you talk to him)- started going off on her and saying stuff like, "I don't know who you think you are but your attitude is dumb, you don't even know us so stop judging us!!"

I laughed and she started to cry so hard that the teacher came and yelled at Brody and I, honestly it was worth getting a detention for. I hated that Brody and I were always the ones to get in a lot of trouble, why not anyone else, who knows?

I had to admit though Emma was pretty but like the kind of pretty that was fake. She was perfect in the sense that she was so not perfect. She was the opposite of perfect. She tried to fit in so much that she was mean to the people that were truly her friends. The people that truly knew her and cared for her. I kind of felt bad for her because all she needed to do was be herself and people would be so much nicer to her. I was one of those people that was her friend right when she got here. When she decided that she needed to be cool and "fit in" and be popular. She kind of forgot about me and Brody. It hit Brody a lot harder than it did me because he fell for her and she pretended to like him. They started to date and then that night it happened. She took him to a party but it was just a setup. All of the kids that Brody and I did not like. The “populars” the big dogs of the school,  started to beat him up, but they didn't do very well. They forgot that he does wrestling and he is tough. He ended up beating them up bad. He gave one kid a black eye and another a broken arm. He called me and asking if I could walk and get him and of course I said yes. He is my best friend. When I got to the party and Brody told me what happened I just wanted to punch her in the face so hard because I loved Brody so much.

The next day at school I was talking to Braden about what happened and I started crying. Seriously. Why did I cry? He just looked at me with big blue eyes and said, "It's not your fault that he got a black eye."

"I know, but I still feel bad. I should have gone to that party with him."
"How would you know that they planned that whole thing?"
"I wouldn't."

"Exactly." He said before walking away. It made me feel a lot better. It was so funny to me that almost every girl in our grade liked him but I didn't have the thoughts of us being any more than friends.

I saw a lot of the people in my grade like Paul, Kyler, Mia, McKenna, and Nate, at school. They blamed me for everything that happened to Brody. Oh my gosh it was all my fault. I should have been there. I'm a horrible person. Then I asked Mia why they all thought it was my fault? She answered, "Because, Emma told us that you were the one that was punching him and that you hurt him!"

"No I would never hurt Brody. I can't believe that you would think that. Am I really that mean to people?"
They were always telling me that I was that I was one of the nicest people that they knew but I never believed them. I felt so guilty for ever saying any mean words to them. How could I have been so stupid to say any mean words to any one of my friends. I was so sorry to every single one of my friends that I was so mean to them. I hopped in my heart that they could forgive me. How could I have made it up to them. I couldn’t help but think about what I had said to them. I thought about it a lot and realized that saying that the girls were all looks and no brains was not that necessary. I wished I could take it all back.  

I knew what Emma might have been feeling. I tried to forgive her. I tried so hard but she kept making the mistakes over and over and over and over. She kept liying to me and stealing from me. Once I can forgive twice even three times but over ten times thats gone way too far for me. It was hard to forgive her after that. I never fully did forgive her. Brody and I were talking and I just could not stop thinking that it was all my fault. I wondered if I had not said anything to anybody if it still would have happened. I completely broke down and I screamed, "I AM SOOOOOOO SORRY BRODY!!!!!!! Please forgive me. For everything I have ever done to you that was mean!" I started to cry and I gave him a huge hug but I didn't let go of him.

He gave me a weird look and started to say "What are you-"
"You don't have to forgive me but you do have to know that I am sorry for all of it."
"You have never been mean to me and don't say sorry for something you didn't do. Got it"

I nodded. Why is he being so calm? Then I realized that I was still holding on to him and I started to laugh.I began to laugh harder and harder until I couldn’t breath. Then I heard this loud beeping sound and it just kept getting louder and louder. Then I woke up. In a sea of confusion. I realized that it was just a dream. Everything was just a big dream. I sighed with relief. I could feel my heart in my chest beating fast. It was like I could almost hear it bounce out of my chest. I had to keep telling myself nothing ever happened it was just a dream Brody is okay nobody is mad at me, that I know of. Its alright nothing happened to anybody.

“Thank goodness it was just a dream.”

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