The Hunted Baby | Teen Ink

The Hunted Baby

November 7, 2014
By yunii_noriega20 BRONZE, Sacramento, California
yunii_noriega20 BRONZE, Sacramento, California
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It was a Friday night it was foggy when the parents of young Xavier and young Ariana went out to look for a babysitter. When they were driving through the street they saw a baby sitting in the middle of the street so they stop so the baby would walk away but he never move. The parents got out the car to grab the baby but when they were getting close to the baby, the baby disappears. They got scared and drove back home, they ask their neighbor to be the babysitter for the night.
     The parents of Xavier and Ariana took off and the babysitter took the kids to bed and they were watching Disney movies. They tried to watch TV but they got distracted with some noises. There was a baby in the corner of the room playing with the kids’ toys. The kids and the babysitter tried to ignore the baby as long as they could. But they couldn’t handle because the baby was making loud noises.
The babysitter got the phone and called the kids mother.
 “Hello mrs.sanchez you guys didn’t tell me you had a baby too” said the babysitter
“We don’t have a baby, I don’t know what you talking about” said the mother   
“Well the kids and I were watching TV and out of nowhere we saw a baby in the corner of the kid’s room” said the babysitter
“Get the kids and go to your house before something bad happens!! Hurry hurry” said the mother
“Okay, im call 911” said the babysitter
“Okay call me back to see what they say” said the mother
As the babysitter call 911 they were walking to the babysitter house. When the police got to the Sanchez house they went inside the house and look around one cop told the babysitter
” where you guys saw the baby?”  Said the police
“Sir we saw the baby in the kids room in one of the corner” said the babysitter
“There’s nothing, man I think you are crazy this is a waste of our time” said the police 
The police car drove away, when they hear a baby sound. The cops look at each other.
“Man! Did you hear that?”

The author's comments:

i think it was scary how the baby disapper

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