Take a Stand | Teen Ink

Take a Stand

November 12, 2014
By Faith Albertson BRONZE, Berwyn, Pennsylvania
Faith Albertson BRONZE, Berwyn, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Ew where’d you get that coat, a trash can?”

“Yea didn't you wear that yesterday? It smells like the milk we spilled on you yesterday.” Sarah and Ashley are once again taunting me about my appearance. It wasn't my fault that my mom didn't have enough money to buy me a new wardrobe every week. She is having trouble getting back on her feet after my dad left. I want to tell Sarah and Ashley that, but they would never understand. Their happily together parents have enough money to support a whole town.

My parents fought a lot. We were never that perfect family you see on TV. Every time they fought my mom would rush up to her room tears streaming down her face and my dad would stomp out the door his face an angry red color. Seconds later I would hear his car tires skidding on the drive way as he sped away. They would repeat that same sequence until one day my dad didn't come back. He was gone for good. I try to keep my mind off that though.

I dread going to school each day. Every morning when I see Sarah and Ashley strutting toward me in the hall way I rush into the nearest bathroom. When I don’t have time to hide the teasing begins. It’s always about something I’m wearing. It all started in second grade. I am in seventh grade now and they are still teasing me
“Ugh Lily those shoes again? What is that a whole month now?” Sarah would always taunt first and Ashley would mimic her.

“Yea a whole month”

Each time Sarah and Ashley bully me I feel worse and worse. Sometimes I just want to fall over and cry. Every time they tease me I feel my heart drop a little lower. I have been to the guidance counselor and she tells me that I have to stay strong and that she will talk to Sarah and Ashley, but they never listen to her. They're too stubborn and stuck-up. I try to have hope but it's hard when you're constantly being bullied. Normally, I just turn my head and walk away. I'm not a very outgoing person. I prefer to be that quiet, shy girl that sits in the corner and directs no attention towards her. I thought maybe if I just keep ignoring them the will stop torching me, but that plan doesn't seem to be working. I am going to have to do something about it.

As I sit on my bed I plan what I am going to do. I have always wanted to stand up for myself, but I can never get the courage. I glance around my room for inspiration. I see pictures and many medals from different sports activities hanging on my bright green wall. I think about how happy I used to be. I wish I could just grab onto those moments and hold them tight. I would give anything to go back to those days. Life is so easy when you're younger. You get waited on hand and foot and no one judges you. It didn't matter what I wore or if I don't talk much. Now everyone is so self conscious. Not to mention how easy it was to make friends. All you had to do was walk up to someone and say,
"Do you want to be my friend?"

  Tears begin to form in my eyes as I think about how much I want to be treated like how I was when I was little. I know what I have to do. I have to stand up to Sarah and Ashley.

Before school starts the next day I talk to my golden-retriever Biscuit. I named him after my favorite childrens book.
" Why can't everyone be like you?, You don't care what I look like, you love me for who I am" I ask as I stick my face into his soft silky fur.


"Today I am going to make everyone see me the way you do."

I nervously walk and go over to my only good friend Jessica. I talk to her for a little while and tell her what I am going to do. She says
"That's a great idea I am tired of you letting them push you around, go for it!"

"I'm going to do it at lunch because that's when the bully me the most."I say as my voice quivers will anxiety.
I trudge nervously into the cafeteria and I see Sarah coming down the aisle followed by Ashley.
" Hey, what did you..." I interrupt her before she can get any further,

" You know what?, some people can't have all the fancy clothes you have Sarah. You need to accept that. You shouldn't treat me any different just because I can't afford a designer jacket. I want you to treat me for who I am not what I wear." I take a deep breath and walk away. I quick look back at them and they are both standing with their mouths wide open. I guess they didn't think that I had it in me to do that. I'll tell you what, it felt really good to stand up for myself.

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