The Hero | Teen Ink

The Hero

November 18, 2014
By bmm20 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
bmm20 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As Danny walked down the road that seemed it would never end. He thought he'd buy some ice cream. While walking to the ice cream stand he saw smoke in the gray skies . Danny thought it was just a campfire, so he just ignored it. The boy kept walking and saw a police car rushing to the smoke. He was wondering what was happening. After he heard a firetruck he started walking towards the noise. One of the cops told him to go back home. “Why because a house is on fire?” Danny replied without stuttering.
Danny ran home to tell his dad that a house was on fire.Well if you're, so scared why don't you put the fire out yourself” , so thats what I did.I saw the house that my brother was in for a playdate. I quickly and swiftly ran inside. I turned corners yelling for Brandon. The smoke was getting to me slowly. Then next thing I knew was out cold.
I did not know where I was. The place smelled of medication. 
“Stay still”
“I cant” I said while coughing, then my mind went blank.
“Close your eyes” a voice said over and over again. I did just that when I heard a clicking noise.
“Get up.”
“Why should I get up, when I don’t even know you.”
“Well because i'm your doctor.”
   I sat up and grabbed a piece of the shattered mirror. My hair changed color from red to dark brown. “Why did my hair color change.”
“Well Danny you’re hair was covered in ashes.”
“Also my hairs shorter than usually.”
“Well Danny your hair was burned in the fire, so we put it out because you would have burned.”
“Do you know who survived the fire.”
“Yes Danny, you, your mom and your brothers survived the fire.”    
“Any other things you need to tell me.”
“You may have black lungs.”
I thought I might die if I would have black lungs. I left to go back to the wall thinking why did this happen. I asked the fire men who put out the fire.
“Well that was someone with the smarts to turn on the sink.”
“Oh that was me!” I shouted
“Well now we can put your name on the wall of heroes.”
  “Yes! my parents are also on there for saving dogs.”
“Well thats great” the man said. Well the man grabbed a plack. He asked what is my name. I don’t know why I forgot my name.
“Danny Blake.”
“How old are you Danny.”
“I’m 15 sir.” He puts up the gold plaque
I left and went home to tell my dad the news. As I got to the house I opened the squeaky door and walked in. I told my dad my story. “Yeah right and what happened to your hair” he said in a scratchy voice
“Look at the wall then”
“My hair was burned in a fire”Thats what he did, “wow son you're a hero just like the rest of us.”

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