What Goes Around Comes Around | Teen Ink

What Goes Around Comes Around

November 18, 2014
By Jonah Luther BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
Jonah Luther BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Ethan knew that John was upset, but didn’t think he would go overboard. He had gone too far, and it was Ethans fault.
“Hey, can’t you hit the ball.”Ethan shouted. John’s hands started to sweat. He swung as hard as he could, but the same result. When he walked towards the dugout Ethan yelled “Nice strikeout panzie.” John’s face blushed with red. Now it’s 2 outs and bases loaded. Ethan strut up to the plate. He swings……… foul ball. The pitch and the swing………. it a hit! He rounds first, then second, and third, and gets a home run. They win 6-5.


While John was joyous his team one, he was angry that Ethan made fun of him and he gets all the credit for winning. He wanted to tell Ethan how he felt and give him a piece of his mind, but couldn't find the courage.

The next game came and John got walked and was on first base. The next too hits later he scored. That was the game winner 10-11. He and his whole team celebrated. Everyone but Ethan. He said “What's the big deal, I get more than that every game.” “well” there coach exclaimed “We kinda expect that from you” This got Ethan mad and he screeched “So we can’t be happy for the good people on the team.” Then stumbled off.

He left to go to the practice diamond to practice by himself. There was already some kids playing ball when he got there. Ethan saw only one person he knew there and that was his best friend Chris. He went up to his friend to tell him what happened and was knocked to the ground. He was instantly sweating and not able to remove his hand from his face. Ethan was on the ground for what felt like eternity. His eye was open, but only saw black. I t was like he could see better with his eye closed. He managed to open the other eye and saw lots of people standing around him. The first person he saw was his friend Chris standing in front of him with a dented baseball bat and red droplets over it. He suddenly looked down.

It was like swimming in a pool of blood. His hands is stained with red. He standed up, or at least tried to. He got back from the E.R. feeling lightheaded and dizzy. Ethan felt like taking a break from baseball, but didn’t want to.

He showed up to practice uncoordinated and blind in one eye. Ethan could not participate in practice. Alot of people felt bad for him, and a lot more didn’t. Like John. John would make a comment every now and then like “He’s as blind as a bat, but the bat put him there. Days went by of this and John started to feel sorry for Ethan, even though he made fun of him. During the next school day John apologized to Ethan. Ethan was happy that someone cared.

Ethan felt lots gilt when he didn’t apologized to John. He felt like he needed to. “John” Ethan would say. No reply. “John” he said again, but still no reply. Ethan went over to him and shock and fear appeared in Ethan’s eyes. What had John done.

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