Imagine This? | Teen Ink

Imagine This?

November 18, 2014
By goalkeeper262 BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
goalkeeper262 BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
The only person you should try to be better than, is the person you were yesterday.

The air seemed thick with brownies and pizza, as I slowly walked into my cold house. My sparkly outfit sent bugs of light to the wall. The small circles danced against the walls like tiny bugs running for their lives as they were being chased. My brother and sister had already been playing with their toys. The thing was, my mom wasn’t even cooking pizza or brownies.

I was just imagining it. Again, like I always do. I always think of the most fattening foods that I can think of because well, I am fat. I just don’t get it, both of my parents were and still are skinny. My mom told me I was a fat little baby. I have had diabetes since I was born. I think of it as a birth defect, but I knew that it wasn’t.

I gradually took off my shoes and walked upstairs. My mom greeted me with a “Hello honey, how was school?” I replied

“Okay I guess.” It wasn’t a surprise to her that I said that. It’s been my answer since kindergarten, when I started school. Once I finished walking up the stairs, I continued walking to my bright pink room.

I really hated my room. Bright pink was totally not my color. I wished my room was electric blue with gray. I picked the color when I was little, man do I wish I had a better taste. Pink just makes me upset. Unlike other little girls pink is not soothing to me. It makes me stressed because it’s just too bright and it makes me think of la la land. La la land makes me stressed. Its just too much!

I was soon interrupted from my thoughts as my mom screeched, “DINNER!” I turned around and headed to the stairs. The dark brown stairs looked like one of the canyon’s from the Grand Canyon. The stairs towered over our first floor. I started down the stairs as loud booms followed me.

Lucy, my sister, yelled “Hurry up Chloe!” I hoped she was being sarcastic because I can’t help myself because my athleticism sucks.  About a minute later, I had reached the bottom. I slowly walked over to the table. I sat down with a large “CLUNK” and sighed with exhaustion. I looked down at my plate and my mouth dropped with surprise.
I looked around, I had a pile of leaves on my plate while everyone else had grilled chicken, brown baked beans, and a cornbread.
A loud “Uhhhhhh… What’s this?” came out of my mouth watering mouth as I stared over at my father’s plate.

“Honey things are going to change around here for a while.” my mom shared.

“But why? For who? Just for me?” I questioned.

“You!” mom again replied.

“Look at yourself, then look at us. I mean mom and dad.” Lucy , my ten year old sister replied.

“SHUT UP!” I yelled at the top of my lungs.

“Watch your mouth. We believe that it’s time for you to start a sport, like your sister and brother.”

“They’re skinny and i’m not though…”

“And your point is?” Mom questioned.

“You know what mom. I’m who I want to be so why don’t you go tease someone else!” I screamed as I pushed my chair back with a “slam”.

I stood up and tried my best to run to the staircase. I lost my breath while doing that. I stopped at the top and caught my breath. I probably looked like something in a stroke. My bright pink tongue was hanging from my mouth like a 50 foot ribbon. I caught my breath and headed to my room with thunderous bangs. My family and I were used to it. Happens all the time.

I made an attempt to run into my room, but it didn’t work. So, I walked, walked slowly. I walked into my room and slammed the door shut. I went into my closet and also slammed that door shut. Behind the slam I heard footsteps coming up the stairs as if they were large elephants that weigh a gazillion pounds. I quickly sat down and hid myself in a pile of clothes that probably had been lying there since we moved in. Which was 13 years ago. Probably not that long. Maybe at least a month or two, or maybe four. Ah, lets just go with a month. My door opened with a slam. But, I’m sure my mom had no clue where I was. I had purposely left one of my windows wide open so it looked like I had snuck out. Again! For a minute or two, it was absolutely silent.

Then the silence was abruptly destroyed with an ear piercing scream, “CHLOE! You get out of wherever you are and come here right now!” I didn’t say anything. She went back downstairs after a few minutes, I slowly and quietly walked out of my closet.

I heard her tell my father, “That’s it, now i’m not going to change my mind! She has practice tomorrow.”  I was so upset that I had heard that.  Before, I knew it the next day had come and school was almost done. There was about 5 minutes left and today I wished there was another 6 hours. I really didn’t want to play sports. The bell rang and I slowly walked to my locker. I put in my combination and grabbed my stuff. I shut my locker with a defying crash. I walked out the door and headed to the bus line. I walked up the steps of the large yellow bus. I found an empty seat and sat down. About 20 minutes later, the bus had stopped at my driveway and before me, my brother and sister both ran down the pale bus steps. My mom had a large target bag full of all the essential soccer supplies.

“I bought you some cute soccer clothes, a ball, and some stylish cleats that matches your ball.” my mom explained.

“Thanks, I guess.”

“Here’s your water bottle and we should probably head to the car to make it to your first practice on time.” she said, as she walked out of the house and into her car.
I followed her with a large frown on my face. I hopped into the shotgun of the car.
We finally reached the field and I saw my coach waiting for the rest of my team.
My mom told me, “Go get ‘em kid!”

I tried my hardest to reply in a nice way, “Okay!” Eventually the rest of my team showed up and practice started off with introducing everyone. After learning like a million names he told us he wanted to scrimmage so he could see how we play. I volunteered to play goalie. Most of the girls had played before, so they were pretty good. Before I knew it, there was a girl coming towards me like a raging bull. She took a shot to the lower right corner. I decided to dive for the ball because I knew it would make me look kind of good.
With all the confidence of a spanish bull rider, I saved it! I realized that this actually was kind of fun. I knew I was going to like this.

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