Things Change | Teen Ink

Things Change

November 18, 2014
By mhoeppner22 BRONZE, Harland, Wisconsin
mhoeppner22 BRONZE, Harland, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I didn’t have the best feeling going to school today. I had this weird feeling in my gut. I went anyways and my feeling was right. The sky was gloomy just like everyone in the school. I walked in with the cold breeze running down my neck.

I got to school right when the bell rang. I saw John in the hall and walked towards him. We talked until the bell rang for first hour. We both walked in different directions. Johns pretty much my only friend, and it’s hard not to be in a class together. Its like I’m a lonely gezelle ready to be eaten as prey in the wild. The worst thing is, my first class is PE, the worst hour of my life.

I’m not the best at sports so PE is a HUGE challenge for me. The only things I can do is catch and throw, thats it. I’m not that good at running and jumping, so I can’t really do much. It’s like my feet are cement blocks. We’re playing baseball in PE and catcher is the only good position I can play, and I’m quite good at playing it.

I like being in my next hour in math. Not that I like math, but John is in it and also Sara, the girl I like. I wish I could just talk to her, but I’m always too scared to actually do it.

I saw Sara walk out of the classroom and I just went for it. “Hhhows iittt ggoing Ssara”. I felt like a goofball. “Oh hi, Jeffrey right?” She knew my name! “Yah hows it going”. I got more confident and we ended up having a nice conversation. “Well it was nice talking to you Jeffrey, see you later”. I felt like the chillest person in the school. “Yah, nice talking to you too”. I felt really good after talking to her until school let out and John and I walked home. In math John tried to talk to Linda, the girl he likes and that didn’t go good. She didn’t even know his name. As we walked home I tried to comfort him.

We were almost at John’s house until a group of jocks walk toward us. “Why us” I exclaimed. “Sup losers”. Chad the leader said. “Go away Chad were minding our own business, why don’t you mind yours”?! John was really tired of getting picked on by Chad and the jocks. “Woah, is little Johnny getting mad”? Chad always did that sarcastic baby voice to us when we talked back and it really gets on my nerves. “Alright Chad we’re not losers so why don’t you just go away”. I yelled. “No, you guys are losers. You don’t play sports, you can’t get girls as we learned today”. I knew he was talking about John when he said that. “And you guys just suck at everything”. That was the moment when John just got ticked. “Well guess what Chad, we’ll make you eat your words you can see us at baseball tryouts”. I was shocked at what John said and so were the jocks. They laughed. “You guys couldn’t play ball even if your lives were on the line”. Chad said. “I think that gave us enough laughs, lets go.

We left to get to Johns house. “What were you thinking John”. I was completely shocked at what just happened. “ Well since they’re on the baseball team then I guess we should try out to show them we don’t suck at sports and make Chad eat his words. You’re a good catcher right? And I’m good overall, but never showed anyone, this could be our big break to show the jocks”. I believed John so we went with the idea.

We practiced every day after school to make sure we would be good enough to make the team. We seemed ready. We hung out after school everyday to watch baseball games on TV. We pumped ourselves up for the big tryout day.
Tryouts were here. Practicing for almost a month, we were pumped. Blasting music out of our car, we wanted everyone to know that we were ready.

We arrived at the field and started playing catch until coach arrived. “Get your bats and gloves ladies, tryouts have officially started”. The coach seemed intimidating, but I didn’t mind it. We did great in tryouts, we then just waited for the results to be posted the next day at school.

I looked for my name. “Jeffrey, Jeffrey, Jeffrey, JEFFREY”! I made the team and so did John. We congratulated each other until Chad walked up to the sheet on the wall. “What?! You chumps made the team and not me"?! I can tell Chad was beyond mad. “Yah we did make it so you should be going to lunch now to go eat your words”. I felt proud of what I said and me and John fist bumped unnoticeably. “You guys are lame”. Chad said as he walked away.

Later that night we “partied”. Quotations on partied because it was more like a hangout. We also had the guts to invite Linda and Sara too. “Congrats Jeffrey I’m so proud of you”. I knew she really meant it because she hated those jocks too. “Hey Sara theres something I need to tell you”. Right at that moment she kissed me. It felt like butterflies flew throughout my stomach. I continued to kiss her. “So do you want to go out sometime”? I asked, hoping for a yes. “That would be wonderful Jeffrey”. I cheered  in joy and she laughed.

I came to school the next day with confidence with Sara walking next to me. We hugged and walked in opposite directions to our first classes. Once I walked in, everybody surrounded me congratulating me. I felt so proud of myself. I had a good feeling inside thinking to myself for once, I have a great life.

The author's comments:

I Just a good idea to right something telling things don't change by theirselves they change by the action of you.

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