John and Jeffrey | Teen Ink

John and Jeffrey

November 18, 2014
By Nick Catalano BRONZE, Delafield, Wisconsin
Nick Catalano BRONZE, Delafield, Wisconsin
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 It was a dark and misty day outside. I had an extremely bad feeling that something bad was going to happen to me at school today.   My mom still made me go to school or as I like to call it ‘prison.’  I started biking to school and I was thinking about ditching, but I couldn’t do that.  I could feel the cold breeze roll down the back of my sweatshirt.
I arrived to school a few minutes before the bell rang.  I met up with my best friend Jeffrey and we talked for a few moments until the bell rang.  We have different first hour classes, but the rest we have together.  We hang out a lot of days after school.  He was my best friend, well really my only friend.  I have known him for a really long time so we just sort of became best friends.  He has never left my back  and we are like Pony Boy and Johnny.
First hour bored me to death.  I was excited to be in the second hour with Jeffrey and as well my crush.  I never talk to her because I have always been scared too.  Her names was Linda.  In my vocabulary she was considered a babe.  She was way out of my league.  Jeffrey had also had a crush.  Her name was Sara.  The bell rang and me and Jeffrey walked to our  second hour together.  “I am going to talk to Linda,” I exclaimed proudly.  That happened to be a very very bad mistake.
We got into class a few minutes before the bell rang.  “ This is your time to go talk to Linda,” Jeffrey said quietly.  “Oh alright.”  I got up and started to walk over to Linda’s desk.  “Hi linda, how are you?”  The whole class started to quiet down.  “Wait what's your name?”  The whole class started cracking up and my face turned red as a tomato as I walked back to my seat.  “It’s alright John, don’t worry about it.”
“That was the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened in my entire life!”  I felt like the biggest loser in the school.  Jeffrey was calming me down while we were biking home but before you know it the jocks were walking towards us.  ”Oh boy, why us?”  Jeffrey cried.  “What's up losers,” the leader of the group Chad said when they got to us.  “We aren't losers,” but in our minds we knew we were.  “Yes you are, you don’t play sports, you can't get girls as we learned today, and you suck at everything that you do.”  “Oh yeah, we will see you fools at baseball tryouts,” I screamed.  They looked wide eyed.  “HAHAH,” they kept laughing.   We walked away from them.  “ Hey fatty and loser we can't wait to see you fools at baseball tryout,” as Chad said as his friends said snickered it the background.
I was thinking that if we were on the baseball team that we could be popular and I could get girls like Linda, and people wouldn’t think so bad about us.  I would love that.  If we got good at baseball we could start to show up those jerks.  They don’t deserve to be treated well if they don’t treat people well. 

Jeffrey and I started to practice everyday after school.  We would throw the ball back and forth and we practiced some hitting.  We started to get good, real good.  Jeffrey was a very good catcher.  We would go to the nearest baseball field to practice which was about 5 min walking.  I started to watch baseball on TV and started to grow a love for the game. 

The tryouts were here.  I was so ready, so was Jeffrey.  We had been practicing for months.  I was the definition of pumped.  Jeffrey and I carpooled to the tryout.  His Mom was busy that day. The music in the car was blasting so loud I thought I would become deaf.  We arrived to the field and pulled our bags out of our car.  We walked out to the field with a swagger in our steps.  I was nervous, but I didn’t tell anyone.  There were about 50 kids there and only 20 would make it.  The coach calls everyone over to “find a partner to throw and catch with them to warm up”.  Jeffrey and I were partners, of course.  We started passing back and forth not dropping any balls.  We were looking good.  We saw the group of jocks, but they didn’t say a word.  “Everyone grab your glove and bat because tryouts are officially starting.”

The teams were posted, my mom tells me when I get home from school.  “I have some news honey, you and Jeffrey made the team!”  I was jumping up and down so excitedly!  This was great!  I look at the roster and Chad didn’t make the team!  I was so happy.  We will be popular!  Jeffrey came over to my house and we partied hard,  real hard.

We went to school the next day feeling special.  We were starting to get noticed.  Linda came up to me and said “congratulations John.”  I told Linda I liked her and right when I said that she kissed me on the lips. “Will you be my girlfriend?” I asked Linda.  “Yes I will be,” she said excitedly!  We were finally treated with respect.  Kids looked at us as studs instead of losers.  Jeffrey got Sara and they started dating.  We would go on double dates.  I was so happy.  I was playing great in baseball and I could finally say I love my life.

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