Fragile | Teen Ink


December 20, 2014
By Anonymous

I would like you to know this is the hardest paper I have ever had to write because I relate very well to this topic. Death says "So many people chased after me in that time, calling my name, asking to take them with me. Then there was the small percentage who called me casually over and whispered with their tightened voices. 'Have me,' they said and there was no stopping them. They were frightened, no question, But they were not afraid of me. It was a fear of messing up and having to face themselves again, and facing the world and the likes of you” (Zusak 503). The reason why I relate to this topic so well is because I have been in the position of not wanting to see the sun rise again. You feel like no one wants you, that no one would care if you were absent from your own life. The thing is you already were but people are so self-absorbed in their own life’s they fail to notice the blank look in your face. I know the feeling of your parents not really wanting or caring if you were there. You’re just another soul in the way of their self-pity.

Everyone fails to notice that you’re sad because you’re the one smiling, laughing maybe even telling the jokes but at night when you’re left alone and your trying to be happy the worst kind of killer corners you and slowly eats away any shred of happiness it can find until there’s nothing but pain and eventually death. To people like me and many others it’s not a question that is easily answered when people ask “why are there scars? Why are you happy one minute and sad the next?” because we really don’t know it’s just the way we learned not to get hurt I guess.
Now some people want attentions so it’s easy for them to show what happens at night but I don’t. I’m telling you this because I want people to understand that people like me are a box filled with fine china. You must handle them with care. Even the ones god forgot to stick the sign “fragile” on their head.

The author's comments:

The book The book thief inspired me to write this. I find that writing helps me understand my own emotions better. So when death mentioned how people begged him to take their lives it somehow reminded me of my own life. I haven’t had the easiest life out there and I’m not very comfortable sharing every aspect of it. So I thought writing about it might help me come to an understanding of where I am in my own life right now and help others to know they are not alone.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Dec. 25 2014 at 11:11 pm
Sharkbait SILVER, Grant Park, Illinois
8 articles 1 photo 40 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Despite everything, I believe that people are really good at heart.&quot;<br /> -Anne Frank

This is probably one of the most moving and powerful pieces I've read in a really long time. This was written in probably the most mature and adult way that is possible. The piece was very insightful; you should never stop writing, ever. I really truly hope that everything in your life works out in the best way that it can. I mean that honestly and from the bottom of my heart.