Do You Remember? | Teen Ink

Do You Remember?

December 17, 2014
By abby0308 BRONZE, Adona, Arkansas
abby0308 BRONZE, Adona, Arkansas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You can write your own story you can have a happy ending or a sad one its up to you.

Do you remember when they called you a nobody? Do you remember when all those horrible names? Do you remember when they tripped you in the hallway or pushed you up against a wall? Do you remeber all those nights you sat in your room all alone crying? Crying until you went into that sweet oblivion they called dreaming. Do you remeber that saying your mom used to say? "Sweet dreams." Oh, how you wish that saying was true! Do you remember waking up screaming at the top of your lungs because of a nightmare? Your mom checked on you but then she stopped after a few days because she knew there was nothing she could do. Do you rememeber that one morning you woke up after a good dream? You thought today is the day where everything changes! Boy, were you wrong! You finally relized that this awful place the call school will never change unless something drastic happens! You relized that the demons are still there lurking in the shadows just waiting for you to show your weakness! And you showed them your weakness! They struck you with words of hate! You tried to fight back but you felt weak and cold! Then you went home to face another battle! You went home and the house was quiet. You thought everything was perfect, but really nobody was home. You went to your room and laid down on your bed. You enjoyed the quiet you wished things could be this quiet all the time, but your brother got home and started calling you names! Then your parents got home! They were fighting again! You wanted all of this to end! Do you remember getting your dads gun? Do you remember taking it to your room? Do you remember taking the safety off? Do you remeber pulling the trigger? Do you remember the look on your parents faces when they found you with a bullet hole in the side of your head? Do you remember who your best friend took the news? She wouldn't eat for days! Your parents sealed off your room after they cleaned the part of yourself that you left behind off of your bed room wall. You won't get to see your brother fall in love and have kids! You won't get to be an aunt! You won't get to fall in love or have kids! Do you want to know why? It's because you are dead! Things were going to get better! What made you fall of the edge? Was it me?

The author's comments:

I have battled depression for a long time. I just want to help other people.

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