100 Bright Lights | Teen Ink

100 Bright Lights

December 18, 2014
By 5ryczek BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
5ryczek BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They are the only ones that brighten the dark. I am the only one who admires them. 100 Bright lights with long cords and hope like me. 100 that are on my house. 100 meaningless christmas decorations. From the street, we can see them, but no one enjoys them.
They light up the darkness. Revealing what's in the shadows.  They wrap around the house holding it together. This is how they shine.
Let one forget their reason for being and they would all burn out, each letting the electricity flowing through them. shine, shine, shine they say when I sleep. They glow.
When I am too old and broken to keep shine. When I get unplugged. Then is when I look at the lights. when there is nothing left to look at in the dark night. 100 who shine despite the the darkness. 100 who shine and not to forget to shine. 100 whose only reason is to glow and glow.

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