Towards the Sun | Teen Ink

Towards the Sun

December 14, 2014
By Kablamo646 SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
Kablamo646 SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The more you know, the more you realize you don't know."

"Attention crew; please report to the cockpit immediately. You will return to your current activity shortly.  Thank you." The loudspeaker blared across the plane. Mary followed her fellow flight attendants down the narrow aisle. She was the last on line of ten. Slowly, Mary moved closer to the locked iron door that led to the pilots. Suddenly, a man behind her stood up.
A gasp escaped her lips as the man grabbed Mary by the neck and pulled her backwards. She tried to fight but stopped as soon as she felt a cold metal object rest gently against her left temple. A gun. A terrorist. Beads of sweat began to form on Mary's forehead as she succumbed to her fear.
Mary's life flashed before her eyes. She saw her husband proposing to her in the center of a cafè. She saw her six year old daughter sitting on a swing, laughing with joy as she pushed her as it was many years ago. She saw her son waving goodbye as he sat in the taxi and left for college. Mary felt somebody pouring cold water on her face.
She awoke what felt like shortly after. Beside her, Mary saw the terrorist lying on the floor with a knife sticking out of his side. Panic filled the plane; people were pushing and screaming. Mary trudged her way into the cockpit, where nine flight attendants struggled to reascend the quickly dropping aircraft. She saw two pilots in a puddle of blood. Through the windshield she saw the deep, dark Atlantic Ocean, and it was getting closer… fast. The nose of the plane dipped downward, and intense turbulence arose. Mary nudged a frightened flight attendant away from the steering wheel. She firmly grasped it and tried to remember how her father piloted his old Cessna. She recalled him saying that if you lose your way when flying, you should always fly towards the sun. She didn't know whether he was joking or not, but it didn't matter, as she did not know how to land a commercial plane. She pulled the lever that steered the plane towards herself as hard as she could. The nose of the plane straightened and Mary saw the sun through the cockpit's windshield. She turned the plane.

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