Shattered | Teen Ink


December 28, 2014
By abby0308 BRONZE, Adona, Arkansas
abby0308 BRONZE, Adona, Arkansas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You can write your own story you can have a happy ending or a sad one its up to you.

His soul is broken. They told him to fix it because he wasn't good enough. He taped, stitched, glued, and stapled. But it kept breaking. Until it finally shattered into little bity pieces. Who is willing to put together a soul that cannot be fixed? It would never be whole again. He cut himself to feel something he was numb. He had no one to talk to. Then he met the new girl. Her soul was broken too. She burned herself to feel pain. They became best friends. They pieced together each other's soul. Slowly but surely their souls would be fixed. Their souls still have pieces missing but that's okay we all have pieces of our soul missing.

The author's comments:

I was inspired by a song I was listening to at the time.

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