Forgetting | Teen Ink


January 2, 2015
By Sheyy BRONZE, Weiser, Idaho
Sheyy BRONZE, Weiser, Idaho
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot; I may be pretty, but I&#039;m not beautiful.<br /> I may be good, but I&#039;m not an angel.<br /> I may have sins, but I&#039;m not the devil.&quot;<br /> - Marylin Monroe

I sit on the edge of my bed in sudden silence. There was no noise, not a ring, not a breathe, not even a heartbeat. On the outside it seemed quiet but it's so loud inside my head. I had finally realized that I was alone. My parents are dead, my friends are too far and the one and only love of my life had left. What if, I thought to myself. What if I will always be alone? What if I never find happiness in life? I fall onto my bed and lie on my back. The two words "what if" were ringing around my head as if they were an alarm. Sadness had stabbed me in the back and I had realized the only company I have are the demons within me and the loneliness in my bed. I felt as if I were held captive by the hole inside me and it never wanted to let me go. A tear streams down my face and I say two last words before drifting into a deep sleep.

"What if?"

I open my eyes quickly and sit up. My heart was pounding with energy as I took deep breaths. I look around the room for a way to get out. Sweat kept running down my forehead like a flood. As i keep looking, I start to freak out. I don’t remember where I am.

“Help! Somebody, please get me out of here.” I scream, hoping somebody would maybe notice. Nobody answered or came to my rescue. I look at the wall behind me and see a bunch of pictures framed. Taking a closer look, I see five girls in one picture. Who are these people, I thought to myself. I get off the bed and start to walk around. As I walk around, I happened to find a mirror. Stepping in front of it, my reflection came through.

“Wait a minute.” I said to myself and looked at one of the girls in the picture. “That girl on the right end looks just like me. She is me.” I keep looking up and down between the two and finally ask the final question.

“Who am I?”

The author's comments:

This is just another peice i wrote for a publication in school.

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