The Mirror That Follows Me | Teen Ink

The Mirror That Follows Me

January 20, 2015
By speedsk8r GOLD, South Jordan, Utah
speedsk8r GOLD, South Jordan, Utah
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Only time can heal your broken heart. Just as only time can heal his broken arms and legs.<br /> -Miss Piggy

I wish I had a mirror that would follow me. It would make sure I look perfect all of the time. One day I woke up with a floating mirror in front of me. I used it to do my hair and makeup and clean up my outfit. As I continued my day the mirror followed me; floating just over my shoulder and always there when I needed it.
I checked myself at lunch, during class, on my way home, in the car, doing homework, eating dinner, and when I took off my makeup and took out my hair. The mirror followed me to bed and was there when I woke up.
The mirror began to turn on my. I became pickier with the way I looked. There was not enough cover-up to cover up all of my imperfections. Every time I glanced in the mirror I noticed something different; something wrong with myself. Eventually, I began to try to shoo away the mirror. It did not leave. I tried to shun the mirror, but it was just too tempting to just take a peek.
The mirror destroyed me. I couldn’t sleep, I couldn’t eyes drooped, my ribs stabbed through my thin skin, my hair fell out; I went insane. I begged the mirror to leave, but it refused. One day using all of my energy I had left I threw a large necklace at the mirror. The mirror shattered and fell on the floor. I was free. I never wore makeup again. I no longer care what my outfit or my hair looked like. I rarely ever looked in the mirror again.
A few months later at school I noticed something at lunch. There was a girl across the room with a floating mirror. It followed her around everywhere she went.
I know that everyone has a floating mirror that follows them around, but not everyone chooses to look at it.

The author's comments:

I became obsessed with the way I looked. Trying my hardest to impress everyone. This short story is supposed to show the effect that. The time you waste on someone else is time you can never get back. Don't get caught up on other people, especially don't try too hard to please anyone else besides yourself. 

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