inbetween | Teen Ink


February 17, 2015
By AustinW BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
AustinW BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I'm in between two groups, popular and awkward/funny. All of them are my friends. the only thing is that the both groups fight. I can't stand it, I find myself being a problem solver, being a messanger of hate comments or remarks. It drives me insane listening to them constantly nag at me for being freinds with them. Watching them make me choose between them. I don't want to choose I just want evryone to get along so we can all hangout, so we can go to lunch, so we can all jusr be friends. I just want us to be one group of friends. Instead of me being the messanger of hate or the one that has to choose. I hope we are all friends.

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