Hole in her heart | Teen Ink

Hole in her heart

March 18, 2015
By writingmeerkat SILVER, Kettering, Ohio
writingmeerkat SILVER, Kettering, Ohio
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The abundant black sky created a dome over the party scene. Murky music filled her ears, shaking her from the inside, while the large amps danced, mimicking the badly played drums. Liz had never been so happy in her whole life. It was a strange sensation, one that filled her with carelessness and warmth, building up in her and trying to escape her like a scream. At least, she thought she was happy, but Liz couldn't quite remember what that meant. Ever since her father died Liz couldn't recall what anything meant. Soccer, which used to be fun for her, became a meaningless game of kicking around a ball. Sad movies brought no more emotion into her life then they would for animals, and pictures of her father made him feel more distant rather than closer as they should. Liz had become a black hole of feelings, sucking up others to try and become bigger but remaining is empty and pointless as ever. But tonight she had a taste of a feeling, something she hadn't come close to for a long time.

Liz about his large hands grab on to her waist, colors of peoples bright glow sticks and neon clothes paraded in front of her. They swayed back and forth as she threw her hands into space, shaking her shoulders along to the unclear beat of the song. Strong hands touched her face causing her to open her eyes. Liz's vision was blurry, but she could make out the boys facial characteristics such as his short black hair and dark eyes, swordlike nose and pearly teeth. His lips pressed against hers making Liz go limp like an uprooted weed. This was the moment she had been waiting for, someone to fill the hole in her life, but it felt all wrong. She imagined her father watching her do this through his wire rimmed glasses, kissing a boy she hardly knew. He would open his mouth, the smell of cigar smoke falling out into the air, relaxing her tense muscles. Liz pulled away from the boy, glancing up at his filmy, endless eyes. He seemed confused like he did something wrong, his head tilting to the side, words unable to form in his mouth. Liz turned

"I'm so sorry", she muttered under her hot breath, walking away from the party. Her feet glided along the ground like she was on skies. Liz was going to fill the hole in her heart and for the first time in forever, she felt happy.


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