Convicted | Teen Ink


March 23, 2015
By Chris781 BRONZE, Palm Desert, California
Chris781 BRONZE, Palm Desert, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments


Rage. This is what filled Joe Walker’s mind as the police took him away from the scene. Two dead bodies before him, shot dead in an alley. With a violent past and a history with the police, how could Joe not have been the killer? But he wasn’t. He couldn’t take the life of another man, much less two of them. No, he had been framed. By whom, he wasn’t sure. But somebody had him cleverly placed at the scene of the crime that drunken night. Someone had put a gun that he had never seen in his life before in his hands and stained blood on his shirt. He promised himself that he would find the man that did this as the police restrained him in the back of their car. “I didn’t think you had the guts to do it, Walker” Said the police sergeant who slammed the car door on him. “I don’t! I don’t have the guts to do something like this! I was framed, please, you have to believe me!” Begged Joe as the officers got into the front seat. “Yeah, tell it to the judge” The second officer muttered as they drove off.

“Guilty” Said the judge, as he delivered his verdict. The trial hadn’t taken long. All the evidence was stacked against him. “Please, your honor, I was framed. There’s no way I could have done this” Pleaded Joe. “Mr. Walker, you have a violent list of encounters involving the police. All evidence proves that you killed those two men” The judge blatantly delivered. I looked helplessly at my lawyer, but there was nothing left he could do. I looked over and glared at the supposed “witness”. Alex Holten. He claimed that I got in a drunk fight with the two men in the alley and shot them. What a ridiculous little story. No doubt that this man was involved in me being framed. I gave him one last rotten look as I was escorted out of the courthouse by the guards.

“Get up Walker. You have company”. The angry looking guard grumbled. It was 10:30 at night and Joe had no idea who could be visiting. No family, no friends, no one to testify for him in court. “You and your visitor will be kept in a room with both cameras and microphones. Try anything funny and we’ll make sure you regret it” announced the guard by the door. But then  suddenly- the lights went out save for a few pieces of machinery not running on the building’s main line. “Damn! Looks like the cameras and mics are out” Exclaimed the angry looking guard. “But don’t think this is an opportunity for you ‘cause it ain’t! All your visitor needs is to shout and we’ll be in there faster than you can say ‘oops’” continued the guard. “I won’t. I promise” swore Joe. “Alright then.” the guard murmured as he opened the door and Joe stepped in to see none other than Alexander Holten.

“You!” Snarled Joe. “Me. We’re fine here fellows. I would prefer to speak with him alone” said Holten. “Alright Mr. Holten. Just yell if you need anything” the guard affirmed as he closed the door. “Why… Why would you do this?” asked Joe. “ I had to cover my tracks somehow, didn’t I?” replied Holten. “I am just here to inform you that my employer thanks you for the work you played in the assassination of those two men. Your unwitting sacrifice is much appreciated” Holten informed Joe. “You… you won’t get away with this. You can’t!” Joe exclaimed. “Oh but you see… I already have. I hereby adjourn this meeting” Holten slyly remarked as he turned to leave. He knocked on the door and it opened. “We’re done here, fellows” Holten informed the guards. “Hey! We’re not done yet! Come back here! Holten!” yelled Joe. But there was nothing he could do as his visitor left the building.

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