Garden | Teen Ink


May 28, 2015
By kassysteiger BRONZE, Amherst, New York
kassysteiger BRONZE, Amherst, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I was prancing through the garden, taking in all the faint smells of the incandescent flowers. I looked to my right and I could see the roses dancing in the sun.They glistened in the sun like they were made of gold. I made my way to the crisp daisy's. I bent down and could feel the bitter, cold soil in between my moist hands. I sifted it through my fingers and could absorb the dark color into my skin. I jumped up as I hear a bumble bee wheezing by my face. I took a few more steps forward and almost tripped into the velvety rose bush. I caught myself and shrieked of excitement! I see my favorite flowers, a gerber daisy. I reach my hand out to grasp the soft petals on the flower. The stem was grainy and rough. I couldn't help but listen to the splashing and splashing of the enormous fountain in the middle if the garden. I'm so intrigued by it that it is a must to go examine it. I look both ways to see if anyone is looking, I then throw my hands in the water like I am two years old again. I love the cold water on my skin. The water is so cold it makes my body cringe. I am almost at the end of this beautiful place but then I notice these exotic looking flowers. Their colors are so vibrant I just can't stop staring. I trot over there like I'm a horse getting hay. I wanted to touch the coarse flower but it looked so picture perfect that I couldn't. I am all alone but I can still hear the chirping birds. I can feel them stare at me like I am an intruder in their home. I continued my way to the back of the garden. As I got there I couldn't help but stare at all the fruits and vegetables there were growing so peacefully in the ground. I could see the carrots pop out of the top of the soil with their bushy tops. The mushrooms were spongy looking. I bent down to taste the layered mushrooms. I bit down and heard the crunch of the peppery, cold mushroom. As I was amazed at all the colors and textures of the garden, the sun was beginning to set and it was time to leave. I was dragging myself to the exit and got into my blue car. I drove off thinking about all of the beautiful flowers and couldn't wait to return.

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