Finding Who I Am | Teen Ink

Finding Who I Am

June 2, 2015
By Jasmine Williams BRONZE, Mount Horeb, Wisconsin
Jasmine Williams BRONZE, Mount Horeb, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The clear blue sky, as the sun slowly fell asleep, it was only 6:30 p.m. The streetlights were brightening the sidewalks and reflecting of the green, yellow and red onto the lake. My feet started to ache from the 10 miles I’ve walked, it was the rough flats I put on; the pair my mother gotten me when I was 16.
Just as I crossed the rest of the bridge, I grabbed the pen from out my classy red notepad “Notes,” written near the top. I begin to jot down things that would interests me. Number One: Living someplace warmer. Number Two: Marketing and  stuff. Number Three: Helping--uhh
“Grr, why is this so hard to figure out!” I teared out the piece of paper and balled my fists.

The question I wanted answered was what profession, would suit me? Would it make me a better person?

My watch read 7:30 p.m, it was time for me to get back home. On the way back, noticing a lady and a men together with their two children, as I watched the couples pushed their young on the swings. In the background, a group of mid-age teens playing kickball in the fields, having a good ole time. Just outside of th corner of my eye a man ran up to them.
“Hey, come join us Mr. Miles!” they all shouted.
He looked much older; maybe in his mid 30’s? Also, he was wearing a blue tie in a unpigmented buttoned up shirt.
“You're up next, hurry!” the sideline kids shouted.
He punted the ball as the boy pitched it underhand. My eyes were focused on the game to the point I didn’t realize I reached and sat onto the bleachers just outside the fence. By then, my vision began to turn blurry. I felt I was in much deeper thoughts, I pictured having kids and how much it would be a blessing. Its always something I looked forward to as I gotten older. Now, I wasn’t sure what I wanted. Does this happen often to people? My body adjusts after the distraction and realization of the glow of the sun suddenly that disappeared. I glance back once, right after that I headed off home.

At this moment in my life, I’d wish I imagine myself lying along the shoreline of Miami’s beach. The touch of the soft sand in between my toes and intensity of the sun darkening the complexion of my skin. Every Time I’m somewhere or it could be at a birthday party of a family member, always is there always a joke about my traveling obsession.

“You better slow down from jumpin’ on dem planes, that’s a plane crash waiting to happen.” They all laugh historically but, in the same time I knew they were serious.

I mean I was serious too? I’ve been on a plane about 18 times, that could be horrifying.

Hearing somebody mention my “traveling obsession” frustrates the living hell outta me. It’s like talking about your favorite toy truck when you were four years and having the audacity to bring it up 24/7. Yeah, it never mattered what others thought about what I was doing with my life. The only person I’d listen to is the words my mother use to tell me and the time I headed off to school,

“there’s a big world out there, don’t be afraid to explore it!”

I smiled at the embarrassing moment of her squeezing my cheek.I remember we were standing at the front desk of the University of Minnesota College. In each rare view I could tell people were laughing and my face began to bloom and they turned warm. It brought me to think I use to get bad homesickness, where many times I’d be making trips back home every--single weekend.

Snapping back into reality, the disgust and disturbance on my face, like I tasted a lemon flavored Air Head, then afterward it gives you a bitter taste on your tongue. I shuffled through my unfolded clothes that I dumped onto my bed. Things were getting so repetitive at my job. Long time ago, I gave up trying to find too nice of clothes to wear because, I men I ended up seating behind a lousy desk all day anyway.
Working with children grades of  Pre-K through 8th grade for least 6-8 hours a day, you can only imagine it as vast daycare and the struggle as being a teacher as it. Without a doubt, I loved being around children and I always thought of having some of my own. But like I Said, I wasn’t sure if I were ready or not. So work has always been my number uno priority.
The amount of difficulty when trying to make sure every kid stays on task then actually an learns something that day. Not many in this world have types of patiences teaching the basics of education. It makes me feel I’m doing it for an substantial cause.
I believe teachers should be paid way more and way more OFTEN. My boss knows how much I take my job seriously. Everyone always thought she was crazy because she calls her herself “psychic.” I don’t know why she tells everyone at work, me going on vacation was my way trying to “get away” from all the misbehave kids. Well, I even knew that absolutely--inaccurate. But it always made me laugh whenever one of my co-workers brought the news to me when she starts to gossip. Thinking she knew “everything” she was talking about. 

At the age of 26 yrs. old which is an enjoyable life span. Not to old and not too young. Not really knowing my full self I could say, I am like a elderly women that is perplexed about which remote that turns on the television. But not too amused l cause I’m currently living on my own in a apartment which is one of the best discussion to establish last year in 2014. I find myself over thinking too much about stuff ,that I become very emotional? I felt as if it was some disorder I began to develop. I considered seeking help but then again I’m too stubborn. Carrying on, it wasn’t staying in those fancy apartments where they’d have a guard outside and just inside a front desk where bunch of mailboxes were lined up behind. Just passing the desk two sided elevators placed on each side.
No, mine was much more simple then that; a bricked up building with 2 sidewalk steps towards the front doors, also with mailbox slots for each room numbers and etc. It was a decency making a livelihood here, I surely never complained.

The crips of the morning dew creeped between the windows. I jumped as soon as it blew up it fridgified my goose bumps on my legs quickly sliding up to my arms.  Waking up were hard  on Mondays, how stressful it was.
“Crap I’m be late!” I grab my purse and jumped into the car.
Looking up at the school, I came to a realisation that I had the power to control of my own life and that my belief, I think it’s only human to not know who you are completely till’ you become older; then again knowing there’s whole lot of world out there. Meaning...more opportunities outside my prefectural, it makes me feel eager to find out and my perspective of making wise life decisions. When I open the doors to the school, the place was clear and the classrooms were full. In the office, I see my boss; then, I slowly creep into the office eyeing at her as she began to walk over,
“You’re late again,” I squinch my eyes in guilt.

Her arms crossed, while, she looks down at me, “ Well, something came up...”

I tried so hard to make it seem convincing but, truth is, I was just too lazy to get up from bed. She nods, seemed as she was to be to be convinced it was the truth.

“Alright, well I kind of just booked a visit to New York City.”

Her mouth drops slightly with confusion and disappointment, “AGAIN?”

Her eyebrows began to make weird shapes then I chuckled softly. 
“Why do you even want to work here, your students miss their teacher!” I shrugged.

Then the door behind me opens, there was a man 6’0 foot, he also had golden brown skin. He looked familiar but I wa entirely too focused on how my bosses eyebrows were moving.  He quickly focuses in by me and my boss, I looked up quickly as we make eye contact.

His soft blue eyes lightens up, “Excuse me, Sir?” I said in a boring-ish tone.

“Parents are supposed to wait in the lobby.”

He gives me a confused look and smiles, “No, no I am a teacher. I am new.”

I untense my arms and faced towards him. I look up at my boss then back at the man, “Oh, well I’m sorry.”
“Please Sheena meet Mr. Miles, Miles Meet Sheena” I smile and stick out a hand waiting for a shake.
I looked closely at his face once our hands met. Then, I realized he was he man at the park playing kickball with the group of teenagars.

“Well hello Ms. Sheena, I’m Kelvin Miles,” he places his hand in mine and in a stiff and fast motion, we shake hands.I looked him into his eyes; I slowly realized and almost blurted out “You're that man that I saw at the park playing kickball with those group of kids.”

“So, what were you too discussing before?” I look over at my boss, which
her arms are still crossed and she have me the look she wa having some “psychic” visions.

“Well, we were talking about me going New york city,” His eyebrows raise.

“Yeah, she travels so much, were all surprised she doesn’t have jet lag yet,” my boss laughs slightly.
Kelvin looks over at me, he positions himself like we were going to be standing for a while kind of conversation. Once, I see his hands starting to moving in a circular motion.
“What are you planning on doing out there, aren’t you students going to miss you?”

“Yes, I have the feel where I need to get away for awhile, I’m struggling to find what will help collect myself. I can handle it on my own to find.If you know anything about that,”as I laughed and  pretended if he weren’t staring  straight at me. He took a step forward, smiled at the fact of becoming defensive and sarcastic.
“Do you really believe traveling across the U.S. will help your belief of becoming a better human being?”
“I know you just met me, but you're not looking at the bigger picture. It’s the people and the opportunities around you will inspire you to become that better person.” The deepness of his voice sparked my ears that it was almost intimidating. I walk just among him with my arms stiff behind my back.

“Well, Mr. Miles I like enjoy your choice in words. But the only thing, I’ve recommend for myself is to do what I love and not to follow anybody’s foot marks. Yeah, I’ll see you around.” my heels slightly scraped onto the hardwood floor as I walked off to my classroom.

The next day “RING RING!” my alarm goes off and I pushed the blankets from my face . I leaned over to check the clock, it read 11:30 p.m.  “Shoot!” I overexaggerated.
My flight would be leaving just in a few hours and I didn’t fully pack.
“Dang it, I really need to stop making this a habit of mine.”I shook my head heavy and went to  to drag my suitcase and tossed it on the bed. In the process, IHeart Radio played from my phone, I checked my phone for the time again 12:15 p.m.and my flight leaves at 2:30 p.m.
“Okay I am finished.” My thoughts begin to linger on what Kevlin the new attractive man at the school said.
More I thought about the words, I began to feel a little blinded about what he meant, Deep down I knew he were right. At this moment, I didn’t believe I need the fancy stuff and to be living in a warmer place to feel good in my own skin. Running to the kitchen I grabbed the car keys and ran out to the parking lot. The sky was clear and the golden sun blazed down heat waves. Pulling into the school parking lot,I knew I need to hurry into the building because they had only few minutes till school was out. As I quickly race to Mr. Miles room first, I took a deep breath before slowly twisting the knob open, “Hey, I’m sorry to disturb you, could I have a word--with you, please?” He glares at me.
“Yeah, sure. I’ll back right back class, do the next problem.” He sets down the pen from behind his ear onto his desk and makes his way over to the door.

“Something wrong Ms. Sheena? Why you here, you're going to miss your flight.” sound of his voice cracks a little.
“I know. I’m not going anymore. I just wanted to say thank you so much for opening my eyes.”

He slides his hands down his pockets and bites his lips in bitterness. “What makes you so sure Ms. Sheena, that you rather be here?” 

Suddenly, I’ve grown butterflies in my stomach,  his soft blue eyes were staring into mine which gave me a hard time thinking on what to say. Then, I  felt I was in much deeper thoughts, I knew that things weren’t going to change in my profession. Not matter what, I will always travel  but...finding who I was, wasn’t going to be hard this time. I knew those people around will help to inspire me, to become a better person... That someone is Kelvin. 

The author's comments:

I made from my Creative Writing class. It's about a lady trying to find herself and what is best for her.

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