3,2,1 SHOOT | Teen Ink

3,2,1 SHOOT

October 21, 2015
By criss_cross27 BRONZE, Iuka, Mississippi
criss_cross27 BRONZE, Iuka, Mississippi
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My biggest fear has just come to life. The game is tied up, 10 seconds on the clock, one last shot. If I miss this it’s over, everything will be over, the team will blame me for just about everything, and they will make sure I know what I did wrong.How did I even end up with the ball, at this point I dont even know. I mean the whole game before this is now just a blur. Why did they pass it to me, did they actually think I could do this.As I’m standing here with an open shot, defenders running towards me I remember one last thing. Something I once heard and didn’t really know how to take it but now I get how it all applies to me.”Don’t let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.” I go to shoot, I can see the ball in midair when BLAMO. All I can remember at the point is hitting the ground.
   Okay let’s start from the beginning. My name is Brooke. I’m a freshman in highschool and today is the first day of school.So ya I was excited when I woke up this morning, until the thought of “HIGHSCHOOl” started blinking in my head. I mean ya my mom will be forced to stop treating me like a kid and yes I love seeing all my friends but I’m really not looking forward to standing up in class and telling all of these people about my life, because that’s what just about every teacher does on the first day,”What’s your name, When is your birthday, Do you have any siblings?” It’s the same questions every year. By this time I would hope that at least one person will actually know my name.
    So it’s 6:00 and I do everything I would normally do to get ready, everything is done by 6:30 and I’m ready when the bus comes by. I wave to my mom who looks like she is about to burst out in tears  and head for the bus. I step on the bus and see my two best friends waiting for me in our normal seats.
“Well don’t you seem thrilled,” Jay comments with a smirk on his face.
Jacob Commings, a jock who is pretty much good at anything he does, brown hair, green eyes,and over all amazing.
    “Yes because getting up at 5:30 every morning to get on a bus with you losers is so thrilling!”
     “Oh come on you love us though!”
Okay so that was Kaitlyn my best friend since 2nd grade,and to think two years ago she was the shy one who liked to sit in the back and didn’t really like the concept of “dating,” well she is nothing like that now! She is more of the let’s sit in the front so ever boy that comes in can see us.But now she kinda wants me to stay hidden because she is afraid that everyone is going to fall in love with me the second they see me, which isn’t totally true.
“Okay I guess I do.”
The bus ride there was actually kinda fun. Until we pulled into the school and I was forced to get off the bus.So once I knew where I was going like where my class rooms were the day went pretty well. I have my lunch period with both Jay and Kaitlyn and they are in almost every one of my classes and if both of them aren't, then one of them are.Then my last period came around,basketball.So I made the freshman basketball team, I love basketball but what I don’t love is everyone watching me play.
So the one thing that hasn’t changed about Kaitlyn is she still loves sports. So everything was pretty normal about that.
    So that’s how everyday went, get up, get ready,bus,school,basketball,home.Not very interesting except, our first basketball game is tomorrow. We have worked our butts off for this game and everyone is so excited and I was too, until the nerves kicked in and I dreaded the end of the day when we loaded the bus and we were on our way.But I couldnt stop time. So the more I dreaded it the faster time went.Until we were on the bus and there I was and nothing I could do about it.It took about 20 minutes to get to the gym and that brings us back to my open shot,10 seconds on the clock,defenders running at me,people yelling for me to shoot,the presure,the shot, and the hit.
    The next day I wake up in the hospital with a mild concussion.When I finally open my eyes and my brain gets focused I can see my mom, Kaitlyn,Jay,Coach,and the entire basketball team at the end of the bed.I started to feel a lot better once I saw everyone there.Once everyone realized I was awake their faces lightened up and they all turned around, facing away from me.I was a little confused until they turned back around,and raised up the championship trophy!
So everyone has fears and everyone goes through their own struggles but you can overcome them you.

The author's comments:

I love to play basketball so that is what my story is based on.

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