Speedy McGuccett | Teen Ink

Speedy McGuccett

October 21, 2015
By treymitchell BRONZE, Iuka, Mississippi
treymitchell BRONZE, Iuka, Mississippi
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

You all may know Michael Jordan,the world famous basketball player. He is famous for many things,but not for being a cousin. Although you may not know this,Michael actually had a cousin named Speedy McGuccett. Speedy has always been a shadow of Michael,but that never stopped him.He still did his best at everything he could,and he did surprisingly well at it.He even made the high school team. I know that does not seem important,but not even Michael made that high school team. Now,you would think Speedy would go on to the NBA,but he has an injury after his first year of college basketball. This is the story of Speedy McGuccett.
Speedy started out in a small home in Wilmington, North Carolina. Michael lived in the house right beside him. They always were adventuring outside,whether it was a new game they made up or going out into the woods.They would do everything they could. They loved to do all these things,but their favorite thing to do was play basketball. At the time,speedy was better than Michael,but over time Michael progressed to the point where every game they played was dragged out until one finally gave up. No one ever went two games without winning one in between. That was,until michael was not accepted to his high school team. Speedy was,and he could tell that Michael was not happy. Speedy wanted to help,but there was nothing he could do.
In their senior year of high school, Michael still had not made the team,but he still would play with Speedy. Michael was always outside shooting,and some days he would not come back in until he had made a thousand shots. Speedy would sometimes stay out there with him. When Speedy really was feeling good,he would even play Michael. Michael had never really been able to beat Speedy by a lot,but after he had been practicing, his scores went up and up and up.Speedy was getting made a fool of out there with Michael. Michael had become superior to Speedy,but that never slowed either of them down. Speedy had something important to handle at the time,and that was college scouts. He had known for a while where he wanted to go. He wanted to go to Duke university,but with him living in a small town,that was very hard to get scouted. Only small colleges would come that far to scout. Plus,there were tons of other people that would be looked at by colleges,Duke for example. That was all the more reason Speedy needed for giving his all to basketball.
Speedy ended up going to Duke,but Michael had bigger plans. Michael had just been drafted in the NBA. Speedy was not mad,but happy for Michael. Although he had wanted to be professional for a while,he was overwhelmed with joy at the good news of Michael. This joy was great but short lived. Speedy had just started his college career and he got injured. He tore his ACL while in a game. Speedy never got to play again.
Some might argue on who is the best basketball player ever. Michael was very great and Speedy might have been,too.There are just some things we will never know.

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