I believe | Teen Ink

I believe

October 21, 2015
By HajerAmawi BRONZE, DAYTONA BEACH, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I believe in New Years Eve
I believe in the cold air that fills that morning, and the rush of excitement that tags along. I believe in walking into stores to find sequence exploded on everything; then realizing you’re going to have to get crafty with your outfit later that night. I believe in getting dinner with your friends for the ‘last time that year’, and reminiscing on the highs and lows of that year. I believe in the primping that takes place prior, knowing your curls might actually make it through the night. I believe in that last crucial spritz of hairspray, throwing on that cute jacket, and dabbing your lips with a daring red. I believe in the countdown that ends with kisses. I believe in the power of midnight. I believe in the chill that comes along with the New Year that makes me smile uncontrollably. I believe everyone else in the world experiences the new years chill as well. I believe the world becomes new at midnight, and for a moment everything’s at peace. I believe in new years day. I believe in sipping on a peppermint mocha early, on that cold crisp January morning; viewing the world with a new mindset and goals. Knowing I have nothing but optimism for the new year knowing the past is in the past and to make this year my year.

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