Nameless Faces | Teen Ink

Nameless Faces

November 26, 2015
By smeehan28 BRONZE, Suffern, New York
smeehan28 BRONZE, Suffern, New York
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Everyone is a name. A name is more important than we think. Sidenote: You may be thinking I’m being completely absurd and I’m just moseying my way through this assigned paper... ( Which I don’t agree with writing by the way.) But I'm not I swear.

      It’s what we identity ourselves as. It is a necessity of life. A nameless face means nothing to the outside world. You don’t write down on the top of your college application “ the girl with the really green eyes that sometimes look a little blue and has a slightly upturned nose and freckles but only in the summer.” That would be completely illogical and counterproductive. A name is a brand. But I want you to tell me something serious, either tell me in person the next time you see me or just write it at the bottom of the paper... How are you supposed to get to know someone if you don't even know they're name? How are you supposed to know they love reading in the dark with a flashlight and thunderstorms are their lullaby on those rustles nights? How will you know how wonderful and gracious and loving a person is, if you don't even take the time to remember their name? You will never know that the universe lays in her eyes when she's talking about the boy she loves this month or how she blushes when she realizes she's talking too loud in the grocery store and stays quiet for the next couple of minutes but goes right back to it after. You would never begin to understand any of these things, big or small, because you couldn't take the minimal effort to remember her/his name and you are still completely ignorant of how it can/will affect you.
Sidenote: I’m saying can/will but I know it will affect you, because... WELL I JUST KNOW.  But I am saying can because you may not be able to see how it’s affecting you because you’re probably still not remembering people’s names and still being rude and annoying and... sorry I’m getting a little off topic... You may continue on.
  Maybe it won't affect you in a few weeks or months but in the long run? If you can't remember a person you're getting to knows name, or your student, how will you remember your father-in-law's name?
    Sidenote: You may know be thinking. Woah she REALLY is crazy now.  Especially with all these side notes... But I’m not... there is a method to my madness. I swear. Just wait.
    To whoever is reading this, may it be my teacher or a random person because my teacher thought my report was genius and submitted it to a newspaper or magazine... Sidenote: because it will be. My name is Kai. Now you’re thinking of some surfer girl with blonde flowing hair and a tan all year round... and YOU’RE RIGHT. I am. See? My name is a huge part of my identity. It’s just as important as my long blonde hair or my freckles that are only visible in the summer... Which is all year round because I live in Hawaii... Another thing you probably assumed if you didn’t know me based off of my name. The reason I’m telling you this is because when people or teachers say that “they’re bad with names” and they only have TWO CLASSES and they have hall duty for the rest of time, I get outraged.
    Sidenote: You are definitely thinking now “woah she is losing her marbles” I swear I’m not.
    Why do these teachers think it’s okay to spend an hour a day, five days a week, four weeks a month, and ten months a school year with me and take away my identity every time they call me Lisa, or Carol because they simply have no idea what my name is? I understand the first couple of weeks of school but the FOURTH MONTH??? REALLY? How rude and interpersonal do you have to be to disregard someone's name for four months and stand in the front of the class asking where Kai is sitting even though I’ve been sitting in the same seat since the first day of school, searching the boy’s faces initially to see if they react first. And you think I’m kidding... I’m not. I understand if someone is barring a serious head trauma, don't get me wrong but after a significant amount of time, the excuse, “sorry I’m bad with names” just doesn’t cut it anymore. It is not a real thing. It is lazy and rude and it is blatantly choosing to not make a priority out of me. You’re telling me I’m not important and my identity doesn’t mean anything to you.
Sidenote: this is a true story and I am sick of this... Teacher you know who you are... I am NOT naming your name, not to protect you, I am simply doing it because you don’t deserve the priority of me remembering your name if you will not remember mine.
    When you introduce yourself with saying “Hi! My name is ______ and I am sorry but I am not very good with names”, it is roughly translated to “Hi! I am rude because I probably won't remember your name the next time I see you.”

    So this is my personal thesis about what is wrong with the society of today. And I would personally like to say that I WILL REMEMBER YOUR NAME.
Sidenote: I did not choose to write this... But I hope you realized that if you do this you shouldn't and if you see this topic a way differently than me, leave me a response on the back page and tell me. I'm genuinely interested.

The author's comments:

I'm in a creative writing class in school and we had to interview a family member and I asked my cousin, "what would you advice would you give a person any age?" And she said "always always always remember a name, you cannot use the excuse I'm bad with names because it's rude and it shows you do not care at all." 

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