Sharp Music | Teen Ink

Sharp Music

December 15, 2015
By LaurenW SILVER, Coatesville, Pennsylvania
LaurenW SILVER, Coatesville, Pennsylvania
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
It feels so empty without you, so come here.

The silence played sharp notes, and, soon, it turned to music. It was a painful, ear-breaking music. She couldn't help but keep listening to it because, even though it hurt her, it filled the emptiness she felt in her heart. It made her heart swell, and the feeling soon turned to tears. What could she do, now that everything she had had gone away to a far away place? The darkness slowly encased her, and the usual warm hand which would have come, outstretched to her, never came.
The cold wind blew, and the sun began to fade away until only a red tint was left. Looking up at the scarlet sky, she imagined what could have been until reality drew her back. With a painful smile, she let one last tear escape before she spoke three words which would never be true. With those three words, she diminished the shrieking music, and her heart shrank.

The author's comments:

I was listening to a music piece by Yiruma, and the feelings each notes contained were so sharp, I couldn't help but write a small scene the music could relate. It made my heart ache, and I wanted to present what I felt in written form. I know my writing does not capture the depth and intensity the music created, but I had fun writing it. 

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