Unlucky Flight | Teen Ink

Unlucky Flight

December 14, 2015
By Anonymous

The light of the morning shone through Joe’s bedroom window, as he woke up from
bed. “Joe!” shouted his mom. ”We are thinking of going to Hawaii.”
“Ok,” Joe said. “I’ll get ready.”
Joe began to pack his bags. When he finished, he washed himself, and went downstairs. He found his mom making breakfast. “Yay, pancakes,” he said.
They started eating. Suddenly, Joe’s dad came down the stairs holding Joe’s brother and a backpack on his back. They began eating. When they finished, they went to the car. The ride to the airport took about thirty minutes. Joe could see the birds in flocks; one flew into his window.
When they finally arrived at the airport, they got off, and an assistant helped them with their bags. The airport was very big, and the roof was made of glass, so they could see the sky. “Gate twelve, board the plane,” a speaker called.
“That’s us,” Dad said.
“Come on, hurry!” Mom shouted.
They boarded the plane. The family found a spot where all four could sit next  to each other. As they were walking to their seats, Joe’s brother tripped on his head and started crying.
“Whoa John, are you okay?” Joe asked.
The three year old answered with a nod. Once they got to the seats, Joe got on his ipad and started playing video games on it. Joe’s mom got there magazine and started reading, and Joe’s dad fell asleep. Joe’s brother played on his DS, but he only played it for thirty minutes, and then fell asleep.
Joe noticed something on his brother’s head. “Mom, dad, I think there’s something wrong with John!” Joe said in a worried tone.
“Why is that, son?” His mother asked. “He seems fine.”
“Look closer at his forehead.” Joe said.
“Alright.” Mom replied.
Mom took a closer peek at John’s forehead. “Oh, dear.” Mom said. “It’s so purple,” Mom said, “this looks wrong.”
“Dad, wake up!” Joe yelled.
“What’s up?” Dad asked.
“Look at John,” Joe answered.
“Oh, he doesn’t look right,” Dad said, “let’s wake him up.”
“Okay,” Joe said.
“John, John, wake up.” Joe said in a louder tone.
“He won’t wake up.” Joe said nervously.
“Check for a pulse!” Mom shouted.
Joe checked, and there was no pulse.
“There is no pulse!” Joe yelled.
“Alright, quickly, let’s take him to a flight attendant!” Dad shouted.
“Alright, let’s go.” Mom said
They hurried down the plane. A flight attendant was walking down the aisle towards them.
“What’s wrong?” The attendant asked.
“Our son won’t wake up, and something is wrong with his head.” Dad said in a worried tone.
“Let me see,” The attendant said. “Luckily my hobby is biology.”
“Oh dear, this isn’t good,” the attendant said worriedly.
“What?” Dad asked, scared.
“I’m afraid your son won’t wake up,” The attendant said.
“What!?  You a lie.” Mom yelled.
“No, I’m not a lie.” The attendant said.
“Why are you trying to scare me?” Mom asked.
“I am not trying to scare you!” The attendant shouted.
“Nooooooooo…!” Mom shouted in pain.
“Why us, out of all people!?” Dad yelled, his eyes tearing up.
              The End


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