Hippie Dude | Teen Ink

Hippie Dude

January 26, 2016
By orangeamplifier BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
orangeamplifier BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As Sunshine gets up, he runs his fingers through his long hair instead of a comb. He opens his tent and gets ready to bathe. Sunshine rarely wears clothes, and he goes to a river to wash his face first.  He has long, dark hair that he dips in the river and he scrubs his scalp. he looks up and only sees trees and all his hippie friends around him. sunshine is extremely curious and likes to wander off often and explore the woods. sunshine lives in a village of people where everyone has jobs and they help one another help one another. his job is to help make bread for the community. after he bathes every morning he goes to the mud ovens where helps prepare bread dough and cooks it during the day. after starting the dough he walks back to his tent his girlfriend violet is still sleeping he gently sits on the edge of her cot. he begins to rub her back to try to get her up, she stretches and then turns over sunshine kisses her on the forehead and tells her to begin her day. sunshine has a tattoo of yang on his hip and violet has yin is tattooed on her hip. they are a perfect team and when one doesn't have something the other makes up for the other. sunshine is poor he doesn't have any money. after he makes the bread he goes on a walk with violet for their walk they go to a special place in a field with only one tree they lay under the shade of the tree, sun shine gets special paint that he made the night before. he gets the paint and uses his fingers to make designs on violet's face and neck. sunshine usually has colored paint on his body also violet makes the sun on his chest and the moon on his back. they enjoy lying under their tree and relaxing every morning before lunch. violet leys on his back and sunshine massages her back for her she stretches out. sunshine is very strong because every day he works for his food and runs every day. now in the day it is lunch time it is an early lunch every day violet jumps on sunshines back and sunshine walks to the village center for lunch. lunch includes bread fruits and vegetables violet and sunshine are both vegan because it is healthier. after lunch sunshine grabs a wooden recorder that he loves to play and violet grabs a drum they both sit right outside the village center and play their hearts out. sunshine plays a piece he names january he plans on making an album of each month be a different song that he will perform for the other happy villagers. sunshine is full of love and passion

The author's comments:

its nice

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