Ghost | Teen Ink


March 17, 2016
By hafenisa000 BRONZE, Highland, Utah
hafenisa000 BRONZE, Highland, Utah
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It was a chilly August day and I looked out the Window to see Annie walking down the street. I felt a cold chill run down my spine, something was wrong but I didn’t know what.

Beep, beep, my alarm clock goes off the next morning. I press snooze, and pull my covers over my head.
“Jane, you’re late!” My mom yells from the kitchen
“Coming” I yell back
I jump out of bed and start getting ready, when all the sudden I feel that same chill down my spine as I did yesterday. I feel a hand on my shoulder and immediatly think “ghost” . I jump around to see my mom standing there.
“Jane what are you doing, it’s almost eight!”
“Sorry mom I… I…”
“You what?”
“I just thought… nevermind…”
“Get ready now!” she hollers as she walks out of my room.
I finish getting ready and look out the window to find my bus turning the corner, with no time to do anything, I grab my backpack and shoes and then run out the door.
“Few” I think as I sit in my normal, brown, ripped seat on  what feels like the two-thousand year old bus.
I look around and don’t see Annie anywhere. She must be sick from walking outside in the rain with no jacket yesterday.
We finally get to school, I look to my right to see Annie, she’s walking. She looks exactly like yesterday, same clothes, hair, shoes, and even the same facial expression.
Then again I feel the same chill down my spine. I feel like I always get the chill when I see Annie. I think back to this morning and remeber Annie sitting in my chair in the corner turned to the wall. Why couldn’t I remeber?
I run up to Annie but find that she’s gone, I look around and see her walking across the crosswalk, then all the sudden she’s hit by a car.
“NOOO!” I scream as I run to her
I run to Annie and realize it’s to late, I look around and all I can see is head lights come right at me.
“Jane?” I hear a voice
My eyes flutter open and all I can see is a big bright light in my eyes, my adrenalin kicks in and I start freaking out.
“Jane, Jane, it’s ok” I hear my mom say
“Where am I?” I ask her
“Don’t you remeber?” She asks
“Remember what?”
“Annie was hit by a car and killed, you ran out to save her but it was too late, another car came and hit you too.”
“Annie” I thought
“I need to save her!” I told my mom
“Jane you don’t understand, she’s gone”
I started crying, then went to sleep.   

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