Refuse | Teen Ink


March 21, 2016
By TheRedWire25 BRONZE, Berlin, Maryland
TheRedWire25 BRONZE, Berlin, Maryland
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I think the big mistake in schools is trying to teach children anything, and by using fear as the basic motivation. Fear of getting failing grades, fear of not staying with your class, etc." - Stanley Kubrick

“The pungent bitter taste of initial defeat overlapped my mouth as I fell to the cold hard autumn ground. The shot left me as vulnerable as cattle to soon enter the slaughterhouse. The rifle that had been sternly grasped in my hand began to slip away as my expiration date was soon to be reached.”

“Just outside the corner of my eyes, I saw the general of the opposition while the sight of white began to flitter. I began to crawl towards the tall figure as the bloodshed became more visible. The temptation to stop culminated as I crawled and yet I refused to stop. The closer I got, the more paranoid I felt of him noticing the nearly dead soldier creeping upon him, but it never seemed to pass his line of sight.”

“I began to use up the rest of my energy as I got closer to pick up my knife from my belt as he was looking opposite to me. The white became less spontaneous and more prevalent. The temptation to stop began again, and yet I refused to such suggestion. I had to go on.”

“Eventually, I could manage to reach out to him. He could easily snuff me out like a candle, all he had to do was turn his ignorant head. And yet, it never happened. I held on to my knife preparing to strike.”

“And then, I took all my energy, leapt up, and struck the figure in the hip. His once blue wool attire now drenched in red as he fell to the ground. I had regained energy and quickly struck at the thyroid area causing more blood to be shed and confirming his downfall.”

“Just before an opposition soldier could shoot me or before the white faded came to black, a group of friendly soldiers carried me and ran me to the nearest medical tent. I was given medicine and help for the wound on my elbow. If any more bloodshed had occurred, I do not believe that I would be able to tell the story today. I miraculously made a full recovery, how remains an enigma to me considering the circumstances and the situation.”

“When I came back home, I was known as a national hero for what I had done. I was commended a purple heart award, and American media was all over me for my “courageous act”.”

“Now, I just want to live a peaceful life and grow old. Do “old people stuff” I guess. But no matter what I will always be thankful for not giving into death as so many others at that scene did.”

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