Secrets in the Stars | Teen Ink

Secrets in the Stars

April 14, 2016
By TayTheTurtle BRONZE, Culpeper, Virginia
TayTheTurtle BRONZE, Culpeper, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Though my soul may set in darkness, I will rise in perfect light. I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night. -Sarah Williams-

Somewhere deep within the reaches of the galaxy a star is dying. It’s exploding in a violent light show of colors, as the flames on its ancient surface run wild from the extinguishing core. Bright orange and yellow lights dance across a dark purple void of silence. Blue streaks tangle themselves within the swirling colors. Even the greatest of artists could not capture a fraction of the beauty in this moment. All is absolutely quiet, there is not a single sound. It as if the universe itself is taking a moment of silence to watch in awe at the miracle happening in this moment. For from this one star comes an eruption of life. As the explosion progresses chunks of the stardust are scattering through the cosmos. They’ll go and reform themselves into beautiful things, becoming planets and people. Kings and queens, artists and visionaries will be born, all containing this stardust. Their atoms rearrange in a new way each time, creating perfect unique beings. Meanwhile somewhere millions of lightyears away there’s a little girl staring up at the sky. She’s looking directly at this one star, completely unaware of it’s impending doom. For this star was shining so brightly that it’s light can still be seen. It will continue to blaze through the galaxy for eons to come, this little girl’s great grandchildren will still look up every night and see this star long after the explosion has ended. someone told me once that you should try to live like a star. You should shine so brightly, that long after you are gone, you continue to be a light in someone’s life. You should leave a legacy that inspires others to blossom and allow your passions to explode away from you, becoming the fiery ambition of those that follow you. When you have days of disappointment that come remember this, you are made of stardust. The galaxy formed together to make you in a single unique way. There is only one you. There will only ever be one you in all of space and time. So go out my little starling and don’t just reach for the stars, live like them.

The author's comments:

In my class we had to write a short story based on a photograph we were shown, my picture looked like the death of a star, so I wrote this. I think it is an inspiring piece written from the thoughts I experience when I look up at the night sky.

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