Old Blooms | Teen Ink

Old Blooms

May 3, 2016
By Anonymous

I was once naïve, the kind of young and naïve where you make a kid do something naughty and bribe them with a lollipop later. Growing up I always made promises with pals “best friends forever;” however forever ended a year ago.  An old fact I heard is,  “friendships longer than twelve years will last until adult hood."But I’m starting to believe that’s not always the case. However, is a friendship that once bloomed as bright as a tulip worth watering when it’s already dead? A friendship that once valued trust became unworthy and unforgiving daily. We always said boys wouldn’t get in the way of our friendship but we did it anyway. A friendship like a tuned guitar became a string-less tune.I lost myself—'=

I was weak, unfair to myself, I forbade myself to be surrounded with other people. It wasn’t until the warmth and brightness of summer where new flowers began to bloom. I was alive—

I wasn’t the same girl that everyone knew or even I thought I knew. I’m out of this shell. I’m no longer conformed and I stand alone no longer seeking support from others.  Many people would tell me to watch how people treat others that’s not their friend because one day they’ll do the same to you. I disagreed until now.  Without them -- I would’ve never known the girl I am today; I finally allowed my flower to bloom.

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