Two Ugly Ducks | Teen Ink

Two Ugly Ducks

May 26, 2016
By 6fritz GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
6fritz GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
16 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They are the only couple who know each other. They are the only ones who are never separated. Two ugly ducks with grey fur and slanted bills. Two who don’t fit in with the rest but are with the rest. Two birth defects born from a perfect hen. From the pond, you can see them, but they are just unappealing to the regular eye.

Their beauty lies within. Their instincts and strength is matched by no other. They fly north and they fly south and flap their magnificent wings and gobble up fish with their slanted bills and never stray far from the nest. This is instinct.

Let one forget his webbed feet and waterproof feathers, which help the duck swim and eat. Quack, Quack, Quack is the only communication they need. They listen.

When they are too ugly and too different to keep quacking, when they are outcasts from the rest of the pack, this is why they have each other. When there is no other friends to be made. Two who flew and never strayed. Two who swim and don’t forget to swim. Two whose only partners are each other.

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