Thanatos | Teen Ink


June 1, 2016
By HannahJoPro SILVER, Atwater, Ohio
HannahJoPro SILVER, Atwater, Ohio
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It is just you in the car driving on a stormy night, the rain is pouring down the windshield blurring your vision. Headlights appear getting closer and closer then it goes black. You awaken to a bright light in your face. You look around, it is almost all white. White walls, white furniture, and white sheets. You can hear muffled voices over the beeping of the machine. A knock at the door surprises you. A woman in blue scrubs comes in and sees you are awake. She goes out of the room for a couple minutes. You hear her voice saying, “He is awake Dr. Marvin.” She comes back with a man in a white coat almost past his knees and baby blue bottoms underneath. He goes over to the machines and checks everything. Finally he says, “Everything is looking good you should be out of here in no time.” managing to get something out, you reply, “What happened? How did I get here?” The doctor and nurse look at each other like they are going to talk but they don’t say anything. The doctor answers,”You got in a car crash a few weeks ago. You had a coma from crashing your head into the windshield. If you hit your head just a little more during the crash, you wouldn’t have been alive right now.” “Where is my wife or my kids?” The room goes quiet. The nurse leaves almost about to cry. The doctor takes a deep breath and says, “They were in the car that crashed into you.” “Well where are they?” again taking a deep breath, “I’m so sorry Mr. Klein.” You are starting to cry. The doctor left to give you some time. A couple days later, you finally are out of the hospital. Your mom came to pick you up. It is silent in the car. You open your wallet and see a picture of them, almost crying, until everything goes black.

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