Sophia | Teen Ink


June 8, 2016
By TaliaV BRONZE, Brookline, Massachusetts
TaliaV BRONZE, Brookline, Massachusetts
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

She is a fire hazard, a keep out sign, yellow warning tape. She is an angel, consumed by her computer. An essay away from making it, a test grade away from the big leagues. She is a room full of different versions of herself, barbie dolls and pepper spray, trophies, and perfume. She is a force to be reckoned with. Always just missing her, always can’t take your calls, always a T pass away from slowing down. An acceptance letter to the universe. She is a bag full of used up pens, writing her life away.An ocean of coupons, an ocean of resumes.  27 hours in labor, 27 hours studying, 27 hours till college, 27 ways to not say goodbye. Acrylic nails tapping on the table,she won't wait for you. Acrylic nails tapping on a suitcase, she won't stay any longer. Acrylic nails tapping on a fake id, she's destined for something more than this. Acrylic nails tapping on your heartstrings, she'll never let you win. She has never seen a white flag, never heard of the word surrender, never considered backing down. You, my friend, are preaching to the choir, you're just another unanswered voicemail, another sorry soul, another one she won't slow down for. She has far too much going on to ever consider a peace treaty, your feelings, a father daughter relationship. How much of your soul are you willing to sell? How much money are you willing to spend to go home? How about to stay away? She is focus never wavering for a second, determined to get out. She is acidic nail polish remover, holding your hand when you're afraid. Flowy dresses, dark mascara. Flowy dresses, dark lipstick. I am her number one, she calls every night. She texts at 3 am to say she's sorry she left me here alone, she texts at 3 am to say she's sorry she left. She sends clothes home. She sends money home. She sends fresh air from somewhere else home. She peer edits my papers from 3 planets away, fixing all of my mistakes. She is soft for me. Full of lilac and hope she's long since given up. She is hard for everyone else, full of witches and wonder. She is my number one.


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