The Water Boy with Skills | Teen Ink

The Water Boy with Skills

October 14, 2016
By Anonymous

His feet are as quick as lightning. Is what the players among the Lions team would say to describe Sam’s ability to play soccer. Sam always wanted to be part of the team, but he thought he wasn’t good enough to be in the team, so he never really tried to join the team.

In California, a high school varsity team, called the Roaring Lions, were weeks away from beginning their final games. This team was led by coach sublet.. Sam has been the water boy for the lions all his years in high school. The star player of the team was Gilbert. Gilbert was such a good kicker every time he would shoot a ball the goalie would be afraid of the high velocity ball and would mostly miss covering it, because of fear to be hit by it. All the time Sam was the team’s water boy he was afraid of not being capable of being as good as the rest of the players.
The first game of the season for the lions was lost three to one. The first practice, after that lost match, the coach was shocked as they played the lowest ranked team in the district and where defeated by them. As the coach talked with the players, Sam decides to try the obstacles that they had set up for practice. Sam did the obstacles faster than anyone in the team could he ran with the ball through the obstacles make it seem a piece of cake, but when he arrived at the ending of the obstacles he had to shoot the ball, he glanced at the goal post and took a shoot. The ball was way off, because Sam did not how to shoot the ball. The coach impressed of how fast he completed the obstacles, and the players confused why he missed the shot so bad.

The coach was so surprised as how fast Sam completed the obstacle that he put him in a little scrimmage the team had, Sam surprised of what he could do, juked everyone every time, but he couldn't shoot good enough to score. Coach sublet made it obvious to Sam that he had to pass the ball because he did not know how to shoot the soccer ball. The other soccer players disliked Sam because he was very good compared to the rest of them. The coached loved so much how Sam played he decided to put him in the tea.

As the team played their second game of the season they had a difficult time scoring, and the other team had one goal scored. The lions had a hard time scoring because they wouldn't work with Sam to score and Sam wouldn't cooperate with them because they have been mean mugging him for being good and was now Sublets favorite player. Sam tried many times to score but he just didn't know how to kick. The rest of the players were too slow for the other team so they always had the ball being taken before they took a shot. In the half time coach Sublet makes it clear to them that they will not win unless they work as a team and cooperate together to win.

Sam and the rest of the players decided to work together. As the second half started Gilbert touched Sam shoulder and said let's do this. Sam nodded and headed to the field with the rest of the players. As the game started the players started passing the ball among themselves. Sam gains control of the ball and jukes several players then sees that Gilbert is open so he passes the ball to take shot, then coach Sublet screams GOOOAAAL!!!!! The team was found to be the champions of this match.

You never know what you are capable of until you give it a try and find out. It doesn’t matter if you fail, what matter is that you tried. Trying to work alone in a team effort challenge can never be done, team must stay team.

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