Miracle at the Meadowlands | Teen Ink

Miracle at the Meadowlands

May 11, 2017
By Anonymous

“Kick it out of bounds” Coughlin screamed, But that call fell on deaf ears. Dodge had already kicked it, Straight to the man he fears, Straight to Desean Jackson. With just seconds left on the clock, Overtime was a sure thing, But nobody realized, The miracle Jackson would bring. The miracle at the meadowlands. Jackson caught it at the 35, But the ball bounced right out. All the way back to the 30 it went, And so our minds filled with doubt. The game was over. Or maybe it wasn’t, For Desean found a hole. He charged straight through defenders, In his sight was the goal. The game was won.

The author's comments:

I like the Eagles so I wrote this about them.

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